
"s. korea is just a settlement around us army bases."

hows that racist?

That map says nothing about South Korea as a country. You seem to think that Korea was built around the US bases.

South Korea is a country that has its own people and its own culture. You're insulting the entire nation of people by degrading them as "settlements".

Your post is not about korean people or culture.
I am talking about sovereignty of state of South Korea which is in obvious condition ^^ and about their power to handle such great game they are having with cryptos.

And i seriously dont understand how settlements are insulting and degrading. Or racist^

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

thats racism.

now as you are familiar with it, use it more wisely please.

Oh, you know how to look up definitions. Good for you.

You are assuming that your opinions are facts. Your opinion is insulting. Your insinuation that Korea is a few campsites around US army bases is insulting.

Racism isn't defined only by hard definitons; it is also found in the way it affects the offended race. Now that you know, stop being a tool.