Good, I have mana.
Can someone explain to me, how is possible to get 59 downvotes in a less than 5 minutes ? I wrote a comment on that little man berniesanders and go out to smoke, whan I was back I jave 59 downvotes is it possible ?
Good, I have mana.
Can someone explain to me, how is possible to get 59 downvotes in a less than 5 minutes ? I wrote a comment on that little man berniesanders and go out to smoke, whan I was back I jave 59 downvotes is it possible ?
"The @Haejin Effect"
You've been targeted by a group of people who do not like Haejin. This is how Steemit is supposed to naturally work. People with lots of Steemit power can have a huge impact on Steemit society. But, it also means they can become trolls and gang up on anyone they disagree with.
Honestly, I think Steemit owners/admins will Learn from this. Believe it or not, but this will one day be called "The @Haejin effect." That - somehow , Just One person could provide so much value to a community, that others get jealous, call it cheating, & request all Steemians to downvote/Flag him in an effort to correct what they believe is an exploit in Steemit.
Looking at it from their perspective, I get it. I really do. If I were them, I would be pissed about this situation as well. It really isn't fair that a few of Haejin's Power user Friends have so much upvote ability that Haejin hit level 69 so quickly. they then check to see who is upvoting Haejin, and find thousands of level (25) users following 1 person.? Yeah, that does look like "Bots" or fake accounts. But As Haejin said, He's on a Visibility Campaign.
And therefore:
"The @Haejin Effect" was born.
It's how good platforms die.
If these Bernie Sanders trolls don't like it they can move to another platform.
This will not stop @Haejin but will in fact make sure I upvote EVERY post he makes, not just the ones I participate in.
Just my two STEEMS Worth.
the bots / fake accounts accusations are ridiculous! Me any many others have registered on steemit solely for the sake of supporting @haejin! I have been searching for a long time to find a TA whom I'd like to follow, he is the only reason I came to this site and I'm not really interested in any other content because that's what I came for.
Before I've seen his videos on youtube I've never even heard about this site so imho @haejin has served the site very well.
he was the only reason I signed up for Steemit. Otherwise, i'm missing out on amazing articles. He's heaven sent big time.
This is an very interesting situation indeed. Me being a crytocurrency analyst myself; I'm not a huge fan of how he does his blog, but my opinion and .80 cents will buy you a cup of coffee at McDonalds. Afer reading through a number of his posts I feel that in general it seems to be lacking in the content category. That said this is a plus for some as they like to get to the meat and potatoes of an article with no interest in reading an authors colorful insight or creative use of metaphors and analogies.
Do I have an opinion in regards to using bots etc. Not one that I can substantiate only to say that if he was using nefarious means to upvote himself then that conduct should not be rewarded, if he wasn't then no harm no foul.
In regards to his sugar daddy whale and him accruing 6 percent of the entirety of the reward pool.. Again, touchy subject. Has he through his hard work earned a lot of what he has? Sure.. He has been posting consistently for quite a while and been for the most part a dedicated Steemian just trying to make it. This again would be muted in the event that it was found out that he was acting in a surreptitious manner to get where he is.
Onto the whale specifically.. I think continually upvoting his posts to extraordinary dollar amounts is somewhat abusive of the reward pool and somewhat short sighted irresponsible behavior by a member with that much influence; again my opinion. I would hope that those at the level would look past their noses and toward the betterment of the platform and choose to evenly disperse rewards to a variety of up and coming Steemian authors.
Lets assume that Mr. Whale made some profit by taking the advice of @haejin and has chose to show his gratitude by up voting his posts. This I believe is fine to a point. If I had that level of influence, had profited from his advice, I would upvote a few of his posts big time in appreciation and then back it down considerably. I did my feel good deed having rewarded him, but did not lose site of the overall goal of promote the long term life of the platform which consists of many users.
While it may be unfair that this whale is consistently rewarding @haejin, and acting in a way that could be detrimental to the platform and its image; life is pretty much unfair all the time. The platform could shoulder a large portion of the blame as it runs on an Anarchist principle of self governance where each user is allowed to reward as often as they wish, in any amount they wish and only to those that they favor. As that is the current system; while unfair and a considerably disproportionate method in which to distribute rewards; it is the system. So we have to work with what we have.
In looking at his blog, I think it has gotten to a somewhat ridiculous level at this point as there are many, many, Steemians that put in much more effort to produce far superior content. That said I am not going to slight him (provided he did nothing underhanded) for the efforts he put in by posting everyday, even if I find the content to be somewhat bland.
I think or hope that it will blow over at some point and this whale will look more into promoting the overall health of the site and the many users that inhabit it.
IMHO his blogs are perfect. He gives twice a day a BTC video update that is mostly used for his TA teachings. Together with his tutorials it is a perfect for everyone who got intrested in learning something about TA.
The rest of his blogs are several alt calls which is perfect for me since I simply don't have the time to go and check the entire market on regular basis (I'm working full time and my dream is to get enaugh profit to quit my job and invest all my time into my own little startup).
I couldn't be more grateful that I've come across @haejin, to me his blogs are priceless and I solely registered on steemit to support him (along with many others).
I have to agree with you here, when originally I did not want to. I now understand a bit more of the whale concept and the situation that this has created for regular steemit users and content providers.
I, as well has many of Haejin's new followers, generally are not interested in the reward pool or the longevity of steemit. We only want to see Haejin's analysis so we can learn from it for possible future crypto profits. Many of us just wanted to defend him, without really knowing the larger picture of what steemit is and how it works.
So I agree, if Steemit is to prosper, some kind of change would be necessary to prevent abusive up-votes as well as abusive flagging, as currently we seem to be in a rather large snowball fight, with many of us having no clue as to why...
Excellent and I agree with you as well..
Thats my personal situation. I only joined in order to follow Haejin! That's it. All my votes go to him. I don't anything else or read anybody elses blog or posts.
who cares how much or less "details" he puts in his blogs..... Sh it. If he wanted to just posted up selfie pics of himself. That's the freedom of any blogging site. Get over it. He's worked hard for all his followers. I watched him on youtube when he only had 3k followers. Now he has over 10k. And he goes into DEEP details too. His blog is just a quick summary and overview of what he is analyzing. People need to stop hating on him. Crazy Trolls.
I don't begrudge his success, I am looking at the overall benefit of the platform. I think I made most of your points in my initial comment, albeit my points were laid out in considerably more articulate fashion. This is a clear cut case of don't hate the player hate the game. Also being a point made in my initial comment. Perhaps you did not read past the first few paragaphs as used a number of multisyllabic words. In regards to simply posting selfies. I don't think that would garner much of a following with the STEEMIT mainstream. Fetish groups in the NSFW category perhaps, if Asian men are your thing. Not judging by any means as that is the "freedom of any blogging site".
Which Steemians produce far superior content? Are you talking about generic content or actual trading TA content? If it's in the TA category can you point me in their direction so I can follow them too?
I can see your point, and to some extent I agree with you. while yes his hard work is deserving. There are 100000 or more other deserving STEEMIANS. As I said I do not take away from his efforts at all, he deserves a lot. I'm more interested in the behavior of a singular whale pumping only one user repeatedly; thats all. To me that is irresponsible behavior in regards to his status as a whale. At that level, he should be curating many different authors and bringing new stars to light.. That is all I am saying...
It's his resources to do with what he chooses. Good luck starting your communist social media site, so you can tell others what to do with their property.
Well, that was a senseless and less than informed attack. Regardless, if you would of taken the time to read my first comment you would of likewise noticed that I agree with you in that it is his to do with as he pleases. That said as a whale whom has benefited handsomely from the community, he does shoulder a certain responsibility to that community to ensure its overall health. People on here look up to Whales as role models in a sense and regard their conduct as a reflection of the sites ethics and policies.
That said his 3 million Steem dollars won't be worth anything if users lose interest in the platform due to financially irresponsible behavior that fails to reward other authors that deliver as good as or better content consistently.
Please limit your responses to intelligent debate on the topic after having read all relevant facts before firing off the hi all willy nilly.
This is STEEMIT, don't hate the player, hate the game.
Also, was a Marine so certainly not communist. In fact I'm a gun toting, southern redneck that lives in Florida. So communism is somewhat distant from my core beliefs.
Well your assertions on how other people should behave with their property certainly conflicts with your assertion about your lack of communist beliefs.
Senseless and misinformed? Now you're just practicing name-calling. I put a lot of sense into what I write and I read all of your output on this post. In each of them, you assert that whales should not upvote the way that they're doing so.
Perhaps I should take my own advice, that fuckstick Bernie shouldn't bother me so much...
Very nice explanation, Thank You.. And I have nothing to hie .I do not have FB, instagram and the others... So, I do not have experience with hate in the virtual world. But, when a person use that kind of a language for man who is at least well-mannered.... I must to said something !
Sorry on my English and all the best to all.
Excellent naming my friend. May all the cosmic forces bless your existence. I think SMTs or another blockchain will solve the threat of re-distributive capitalists (an oxymoron). These people claim to be the opposite of communist while using the same commie speak/thinking.
I love this. The @Haejin Effect
Did you see this ?
1)Don't talk, explain, fight flaggers
2)Upvote upvote upvote
3)Keep your cool and know when to get off the train
Long live the free market!
He has built a legion of unhappy jealous people
You get an upvote from me for standing up to the angry mob.
Thank You.
Don't worry about it, we will help you out. They can't win.
He's got an army of bots. This abuse is old news on steemit. I've seen this happen over and over and over again in my 5 months here. All my experiences led me to this:
Here is the most efficient route I know:
This is a guy called hendrix22 and note the lie about 20 posts a day.
Upvote @haejin - A minnow like me only get 10 upvotes a day. I use half of them on @haejin and sponsored him on @steembasicincome This will negate the efffect of downvotes.
Withdrw support from the violators of NAP. content of the above article made me undo one of my witness votes and I will not use the voting bots related to these violators of NAP(rando & buildawhale from what I know)
Do nothing. Keep your calm and know to vote with your digital feet when a better alternative comes and steemit start looking like Bitcoin community.
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