Bitcoin is currently at block 493,245 and they average about 10-15 minutes per block, the fork will happen at block 494,784 so if you hold Bitcoin on "that block" there is a very good chance you will get "Air Dropped" a new Bitcoin 2x coin (currently it's FUTURES are trading on Bitfinex at about $1,000 or .14426 of a Bitcoin), but nothing is for sure in a fork, it could fail and you get nothing.... I think I am ready to sell a little Bitcoin and pick up some Alt-Coins, there is so much cheap Crypto out there right now.... The fork (SegWit2x) is still about 10 days away so I am going to do this little by little becasue it looks like Bitcoin will blow through $8,000. I just figure the Bitcoin2x coin gives about 15% in free money, BUT I think Bitcoin is going to go down more than 15% after the fork so I will hedge and keep some Bitcoin and sell some to pick up some cheap alt coins. You can see which block we are on and a bunch of other info at this link.
Are you going to just hold your Bitcoin? Are you going to sell it all? Are you going to sell about half like I am?
I am going to buy some more Steem, Stratus, EOS, Walton, Verge, BAT and Bitshares
I am also going put some in this ICO
nice bro