In this situation we have to remember that these are the people who print money, they do not need to use money aside from keeping up appearances to the public (somewhat).
Would they need to hedge themselves against a financial crash - probably not, they already own a huge portion of the valuable land, infrastructure, industry and assets on the earth. Realistically, they possess real wealth which is tangible and not subject to market fluctuations.
Any announced entry into decentralized markets is assuredly with an agenda which will not help the bottom 99 percent live in abundance. I am still awaiting the announcement of centralized cryptos put out by the banks.
Thanks for the perspective and heads up on this announcement @michiel. Vigilance of a solid united community is the only thing that could keep crypto heading towards greatness... I really hope that in the near future some more able than I in the tech world could come up with a solution to things such as this. I would gladly participate in any way I could.
The only way to return abundance to the people may to be to stop using currency all together as the intangible is so easily manipulated.
I don't claim to have the answers but what comes first, the question or the answer?