Ronnie Moas: Bitcoin pourrait atteindre 5 000 $ l'année prochaine

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Renowned investment adviser Ronnie Moas said Bitcoin will grow to double next year and could reach between $ 25,000 and $ 50,000 for the next decade, according to a telephone interview conducted by the US chain CNBC.

"Bitcoin will double to US $ 5,000 next year and will reach between US $ 25,000 and US $ 50,000 over the next decade," Moas said in the CNBC interview, a specialist who for 13 years has made more than 900 recommendations for actions Through its research program Standpoint Research.

Moas has been willing to enter the ecosystem, after publishing a 40-page report on cryptones, revealing that it bought "a little" of litecoin, bitcoin and ethereum through Coinbase and plans to invest more in the coming weeks.