I jumped in last year, May 2016. For whatever reason i did not use a safe exch like coinbase. I got burned for like $250. It was covered by Visa but it was enough to spook me away til just recently. Dumped about 8,000 in. 6500 in btc and ~1350 in eth. I missed one "wave" and i'm sitting here waiting to catch the next one. I suppose the newbies like myself are all thinking the same. We may not see another crest/crash like the 2 or 3 in the last 6 weeks.
I came into this with the idea that btc and eth were the strongest long term investments and i'm sticking with that. If i get lucky? Cool. If not? I am fairly convinced i will have made a solid 25,000 in profits in 5 years if i cash out then.
Maybe i'm being optimistic and this is all some ponzi scheme but i don't think so. I think the basic idea is strong: the blockchain. I wouldn't get those returns on my 401k or an IRA so if i can quadruple or quintuple my money in 5 years? I'm a happy camper.
I must say, checking the prices every 30 minutes just waiting for that damn skyrocket up to 3400 is killin me!!! hahaha.
I know that feeling.
I am currently waiting for my hardwallet to arrive before I invest any big amount of money in any crypto (got a small sum(. I would suggest you do the same. Trezor and Ledger Nano S are both very good hard wallets. This is also very important since we don't know what will happend after Aug 1st.
I don't know if I will do this, but I keep telling myself I won't check the price. I will just buy some ETH and BTC and HODL for a long time and just hope for the best.
Speaking of the impending fork, i'm personally going to move my btc offline before segwit hits. Call me crazy but if it's a "hard fork" things could get really really wonky.
I think it'll be a soft fork and nothing will change much. I bet btc goes south a bit leading in to the fork, no matter what. Which would PROBABLY be a good time to buy and pull it into armory offline.
What's your take on this? Would you leave it online or take offline as a precaution?
Thank you!