Clowns in Government will Skyrocket the value of Bitcoin and other Alts

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In order to be an effective investor in Crypto currencies we must look at global political trends. What happens regarding the global political/economical situations will greatly effect the interest in crypto's and their performance/liquidity. Let me give you a few current examples.

The more our "fake news media" and the majority of our corrupt congress pushes to resist the current administration, the more the world watches with great concern. The world is watching and seeing what a joke the U.S. government really is. The crimes and misdemeanors committed by politicians is very obvious now a days. The bought and paid for media is no longer able to run cover. The internet has helped to shed some light on just how bad the "swamp" is in Washington DC. The world is basically saying that they need to diversify out of the U.S. Dollar and into a safer less corrupt currency. Here is were crypto's come in.

Bitcoin and other crypto currencies is a honest solution for the world to adopt. The blockchain represents truth and transparency that is sorely needed in the monetary system.

Another example is the coming crisis this fall regarding the debt ceiling. Everyone is watching as the U.S. government continues to over spend and never pay down it's debt. How would you feel if a family member continues to max out their credit cards and only makes the minimal payments. You know that it is only a matter of time, before financial reality will hit and they will have to pay the pied piper. The world economy no longer wants to hold U.S. currency (as the reserve currency) when the U.S. government is being run like a bunch of drunk sailors behind the helm.

A third example is the potential tensions of other countries like North Korea, the war in Yemen, threats of more sanctions against Russia and the border skirmish between India and China in Bhutan. This small list, just shows how at any minute a "black swan event" could trigger a global panic and drive Bitcoin and other alts through the roof. The global community is looking for financial safety. They are looking for a reasonably safe place to store their wealth (or at least their hard earned money). The governments of today and their crap currencies, are not a safe place to store your wealth. For many years we have seen the growth of crypto currencies because the world is demanding truth and transparency. People want to see their wealth grow, not be put into a corrupt banking institution that gives you a negative interest rate.

Bitcoin is a great store of wealth (physical silver is not bad either). There is no stopping the growth of crypto currencies. This is just the beginning.


Interesting read.

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