Jet Blake Has Live Interview With Crypto News Matt Beasley. The Future Of Cryptos

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I had a live interview last night (May 1st, 2018) on the Matt Beasley Crypto News You Tube channel. The interview was just shy of 2 hours. It went great! The topics covered the history of Bitcoin, who is Satoshi Nakamoto as well as where crypto currencies/tokens are headed.

Matt has a crypto news channel that broadcasts live, twice a day. He has a morning show and and evening show around 8 pm Central time (U.S.A.). He covers up to date crypto news, market pricing and current trends. He interacts with his live chat box audience and has a strong following.

Check out the interview below on You Tube. It is a very interesting interview that got excellent reviews. The audience voted to have a second appearance by me within a month. I hope that Matt and I can make that happen. Enjoy!


Great interview! I watched this live and it was amazing. I love all of your ideas and information and it kept me engaged the whole time. Please do an Episode 2 with Matt asap. I would love to take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole ;)

I am glad you liked the interview. Episode 2 would be deep. I am not sure how many in his audience are ready for it or would like the topics. I feel that it is important for people to wake up and have full knowledge of what is going on and what the future holds in order to prepare. Most just want to stay in a bubble and be comfortable for the time being. I know you would like it but i wonder how many people are like you out there.

We just need 10% of the general population to wake up and realize what Cryptos and the blockchain can do to improve their lives.

More importantly, how it may improve the future lives of their children and grandchildren.

You are right. I think we will reach that number in 24 months. I at least hope we do. Thanks for your comment

I watched your interview last night. I got into crypto 2 months ago and glad that I didn't miss the boat. What made your interview more interesting for me was when you started talking about conspiracy stuff such as depopulation. I have watched countless conspiracy documentaries to the point that I know I've gone down way too far in the rabbit hole. Anyway, looking forward to episode 2 :)

Thanks for listening and your reply. Episode #2 (if we have one, it will be up to Matt to decide) will discuss topics that many may not be ready for at a conscience level. I think it would be a fascinating episode but I do not know if his audience will be ready for it. We did discuss the fact that it should be a late night show with warnings that it is not necessarily crypto currency related.