Latest Interview On The Matt beasley Crypto News Show 6-27-18

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I have appeared many times on the Matt Beasley Crypto News show. Matt has me on usually every two weeks or so on Wednesday evenings. The format has been to discuss crypto currency news and related events for the first 30 to 40 minutes of the show. After that, we turn towards non related Crypto topics. It is nicknamed Crypto after Dark. We discuss new scientific technologies, geo political economics and higher vibration or higher consciousness facts and theories.

Enjoy this interview. Many have commented positively. I hope you like it.


Hi Jet,

I've been trying to find a moment as where I can freely ask you about your thoughts on Ayahuasca. Do you think it is something to stay away from or something to practice every now and then?
For me the Ayahuasca journey's are as close as I can get to My inner self. So I'm also wondering if this is something I should continue to do so in the future.

I would like to say that I really enjoy your participation in the Crypto News shows with Matt. The information you bring is from high value to me. Keep up the good work and I hope you will be able to take your time to respond to me in the near future.

Best regards,

Anne-Louise from Holland

Thank you for your reply. Contact me on my email [email protected] and I can answer your question in more detail and privately. A quick response is that I have not tried Ayahuasca . My only concern is my ability to control protective conscious fire walls from dimensional entities that could take an opportunity to persuade or influence my perception in a negative manner. If you email me I will discuss more regarding this topic and your question.

Look forward to speaking with you about this and so much more!Loving these shows. How can I reach you Jet. I'd like to discuss LN with you. It's not this socio-economic panacea some people think it is. If you have telegram you can hit me up here: