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RE: The New Hero in the World of Cryptocurrencies!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I agree that this video is all over the internet now which is always good - no publicity is bad publicity, right?

I was just thinking that for Bitcoin to really achieve its potential it has to be adopted by the mainstream. If I talk to my parents they have a very negative impression of Bitcoin; invariably they list off things such as hackers using it to receive payment, people use it to buy drugs over the internet, sweaty little developers creating scams in their basement... etc.

This isn't the Bitcoin that informed people know. Bitcoin has come a long way since those opinions were formed and has matured a lot recently. I just worry that people doing things like this reinforce the negative, uninformed opinions of Bitcoin more than they create correct up-to-date opinions.

I could be too close to the cause and think Bitcoin is further ahead than it is, or I could just be plain wrong, I don't know. I still have huge respect for the guy though!


It always relieves me to learn that USD is never used in any crimes!

Ok, now I understand your point, also happens with my family too. Big thanks again for express your thoughts here @jhcooper7 :)

This is great news for the guy! Give that a few years and could be worth more than he ever would have earned in his job :P

hehehehe yes! :)