Earn Up To $24 USD Per Month Using This Search Engine

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Presearch is a new search engine that allows you to earn crypto currency by completing searches on the website.

You can earn a total of 8 PRE tokens each day, which is currently worth around 80 cents on the markets.

It looks like you can earn up to $24USD per month just by doing 8 searches per day, which could be really helpful to people in poorer countries.


Just register your Presearch account here, and follow the step by step instructions which show you how to use the website and run through all the features with you.


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I am eager user of this search engine. I use it for all my searches

Yeah i think it's a great idea, hopefully they can make enough money to keep growing.

Good but Withdrawal is too high...

Ahh yes withdrawal is nearly $100 isn't it! That would take some time.

Withdrawal threshold is 1000 PRE which is approximately $86.23.
8 PRE x 125 days = 1000 PRE.
After 4 months plus 5 days.
30 days x 4 months = 120

You can go...

Press the buton [ Redeem Tokens ]
We've set a fairly high withdrawal threshold of 1,000 PRE to start.
[...] My Rewards > https://www.presearch.org/account/tokens/rewards >

@jimbojones i quite like this ide signed up looks like it have a great feature.

I hope you can make good use of it :)

Yes trying to save all kind of coins in hope they will grow in feature that was at good price in January bull run

Posted using Partiko Android

It's the only search engine I use now. It's constantly going up in price too (PRE token)

Yes that's the good thing with a max supply of 170m tokens these ones could go up in value alot.

can you guide us how much time will take to withdraw and procedure??Hello Borther @jimbojones

It seems the min withdrawal is 1000 tokens, this will take about 3 months to get. Seems a bit long, maybe some people could email them and ask them to reduce it to around $10.

Once you have reached the min, the PRE tokens are Ethereum tokens - You just send them to one of the exchanges and transfer them for bitcoin, which you can then transfer to cash.

I will def have to write a better article about how to use this and add to to my list of bitcoin affiliate programs - http://howtoearnbitcoinonline.com

It's very interresting. Thanks for information @jimbojones

I hope to see people from Africa use this one, 24USD per month could be alot of money over there :)

Implying Africans like free poo? You are "Mr American" or what?
** Africa Shall Soar One day!**

That's so interesting one. I gonna use it. $24 a month is fantastic amount for me. Thank you @jimbojones.

very good information share for us .thanks i can follow u l like his post .@aryaan

hola merlín vi tu mensaje te siento agradable y amistosa y te voy a seguir mayra

The founder of Presearch has the right attitude and the team has the right skills to pull it off. The business model - see the white paper linked below - also looks stable and they have a lot of eCommerce platform development experience. I'm in...and will be recommending Presearch often. The one complaint I have is that their web presence is on the big three - YouTube, Twitter, Facebook.

It pains the Presearch team to not start with a fully-decentralized platform that focuses on supporting the little guys that we are most aligned with, but having spent more than 15 years fighting many of these companies17 for market share through ShopCity.com, we are all too aware of the scope of the challenge and feel that it’s better to leverage the internet Goliaths initially than try to beat them head-on.

ShopCity.com was founded by Colin Pape to help local businesses leverage the internet to compete against online retailers like Amazon.com and other global chains.

Colin Pape on Google: “Tell the guy who’s had his business eradicated by an unintended consequence it’s not evil”
Blockchain, ICO News, Interviews, Opinion | August 22, 2017