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RE: Bitcoin Hits $3,000 and a 100,000% Gain for TDV In Just Six Years - Free Bitcoin Giveaway In This Blog!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Dollar Virgil fancies himself as "the Jim Cramer of bitcoin."

I think he will "out-Cramer" Jim Cramer personally. The last timehe broke out the champagne and cigars bitcoin was trading at $2700+ on teh Wed before Memorial day. It then moved to a low of just under $1900 on the Sat of Memorial day weekend. He just issued his second "chanpagne and cigar" sell signal in a couple of weeks. This clueless idiot spew you are replying to. Can Jeffey boi generate 2 consecutive 30%+ selloffs in bitcoin in a matter of weeks? Jim Cramer never did that. Should prove to be an "exciting"end to the week for the bitcoin lemmings. Enjoy!