For many the last 72 hours are sweet water to thirsty throats, again hopeful eyes stare at the crypto market board, green indexes are back, but have the came to stay? or is this just the eye of the hurricane? Volatility is one of the fun things of crypto just as you said @dreamryder007, and we have to asume its inherent risk. Some days we will win, some others we will lose, but the key is just one word length, PERSEVERANCE!
For me crypto is the future, is the one life chance for all of us to rise way above from where we could get to from traditionals paths, also it is not just an opportunity for individuals but for many communities of strangers to get to know each other, to share value, to inverst time and effort in building new forms of co-perative work. The doors that leads to endless possibilities are wide open! We have to step front and make it happen!
It is always a pleasure to share my thoughs in this daily giveaway, i am still working hard to get SP so i can make this my full time work, your help would be a massive support for me.
Congratulations you win.