Free Cloud Mining
I am pretty new to this cryptocurrency thing but I'm learning and experimenting everyday. So the other day I found a page called Its basically a cloud mining site but they give you a very small amount of initial GHS for free. I'm sure you have heard of it because it has been around for some years now. After signing in for the first time they give you 1 doge coin for free. This is how you buy your first 5 year GH/s(mining speed) contract for free. There is also a faucet built right into the site that will give you more GH/s. A faucet is a place that gives small amounts of cryptocurrency away for free periodically.
The Interface
This is what the interface looks like in case you have not seen it. As you build up coins you can choose to let the coins accumulate or you can reinvest your earnings with the exchange tab. Your earnings will accumulate very slowly at first and increase over time as you reinvest your earnings into more GH/s. There is always of course the paid option. It seems to be a long term investment because they say your investment will take 15 months to get your initial investment back. You can choose to mine any of the coins you see above also. Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin even. With the strangest option being gold by the ounce. I have made deposits and withdraws to check that out and both worked. Although a little slow.
That's A Long Wait
So right now I don't have much money to invest but I did have a couple hundred DogeCoin so I sent them over to play with it a little more and see if there is a way to make it more worth your while. A lot of people here go to faucets and invest their earnings from those here.
Have You Ever Tried It?
So please if you have tried this would you leave a comment with your experience? I'm sure there is a lot of people out there who would like to know. I will keep playing with it even though its slow going. If you want to try it to I will leave a link below.
Eobot Affiliate Link <--Click
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Have had an account there for years. Two things you might not know, there is a once/day faucet paid to whatever coin you are mining (look for it at the bottom of the page), if you mine diversify you can flag multiple coins and they all will be mined in rotation for 10 minutes each.
Yeah I seen that. Mining GH/s is kind buggy in my experience so u just stick to minute one coin at a time. Because your mining is all based on Bitcoin difficult. So I just mine the most stable coins.
That's a good stable approach.
I have tried some faucets. This is great. I will try to mine too.
Nice. Please let me know how it goes and do plenty of research before investing hard earned money.
I'm not sure how this is related to gaming...
Sorry it offended you about a tag you disagreed with. I kind of look at Eobot as a game because of the way I use it. It wasn't meant to be spammy or anything. Have a good day sir.