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RE: Warren Buffet in 2014: "Bitcoin is a mirage, stay away from it". Today Bitcoin Price Is Sevenfold Higher

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Great to read this. Having only started learning about cryptocurrencies recently, I'll admit that hearing Warren Buffet say what he has about Bitcoin in the past did feel like a warning bell.

After all, he's Warren Buffet!

But the more I learn, the more I, personally, think he's wrong... for the reasons you have outlined here.

There are also many well respected economists who have written articles about how the block chain is a far superior and secure financial payment structure.

A simple difference is, when you pay with a bank debit card, you are essentially giving someone else all the info they need to also make payments from your account!

But with cryptocurrency, you only give someone what they need to receive a payment.

Just that alone makes it soooo much more secure in my opinion.



If you continue interacting with Cryptocurrencies, you will start to love having financial freedom especially in a completely anonymous way. No government, no company will know what you are doing. This can unleash tremendous power.

I'm certainly starting to get this feeling! It is, as you say, very empowering... and very exciting for the future. I can only wonder at the possibilities that will be available for my children when they are grown up. :)

But with cryptocurrency, you only give someone what they need to receive a payment.

Great point!