South Africa begins to regulate Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.

in #bitcoin8 years ago


The Central Bank of South Africa announced that it issues regulations on the regulation of crypto-currency business in the country. Lesterin Gamaroff, CEO of Bankymoon, said that his company was the first to experience these rules. Also, Gamaroff took part in several seminars on crypto-currency with the participation of government representatives. He sought to show that bitcoins are used not only by hackers and criminals. Instructions developed by the South African government apply to all crypto-currencies, not just Bitcoin. Thanks to regulation, crypto-currencies will become more popular among ordinary South Africans, and will be used more widely for everyday settlements. And for several months in a row, the volume of trade in crypto-currencies has been growing.


Source: author


Regulations is always good news: at least btc is not illegal there...

you're right! The main thing does not prohibit Bitcoin in the world) understand what value!