quiting smoking

in #bitcoin7 years ago

So its been almost 2 weeks since i quit smoking. IVe been addicted to meth, herion, pills and tobbacco is by far the hardest thing ive ever tried to quit. With drugs you can just delete phone numbers, stop talking to certian people, but with cigarettes there is always one around and its very hard to escape.


Just think of how much more Bitcoin you'll be able to afford now :P

Hell yeah. The price of smokes are almost going up faster then crypto!!! Maybe we should start growing tobacco lol

Stay strong man! It gets a little easier after the first couple weeks.

Thanks bro. Ive been vaping oil and it really helps

There you go! I quit chewing tobacco & cigarettes because of weed. I would get terrible heartburn from them when I smoked weed & the obvious solution was to quit the tobacco, felt better ever since

Yeah I️ fell great not being a slave to a useless product that kills you. And @10$ a pack! Fuck that