Do you sleep easy at night, knowing how many thieves would love to steal your bitcoin? At this very moment, hackers are probing your cryptocurrency exchange for weaknesses. They’re gathering information about you – where you live, your pet’s name, your favorite football team – with a view to social engineering. They’re crafting malware laden emails with your name on and prepping to port your phone number to a different handset while you sleep.Concerned about the security of your bitcoins? Sounds like you need a storage solution for the ultra-paranoid.
Keep Calm and Lock It Down
Provided your bitcoin is stored in a wallet that you – and you only – hold the private keys to, your coins are safe from all online attack vectors. The one thing this setup READ MORE
interesting! I am indeed paranoid and really like that type of information, as we say in this world, always expect the best, but be prepared for the worst ! This can be interesting for you too.