In a sudden move Poloniex exchange shut down it's famous troll box and issued the following statement:
To meet the increasing demands on support staff, the Trollbox has been disabled indefinitely and moderators have been reallocated to assist in support.
Many trolls are looking for a home now, maybe Bittrex will open one who knows.
It seems altcoins are breaking the rules with Bitcoin moves, it's true we do see a bloodbath every now and then with a bitcoin sudden gain, but the effect is becoming less and less damaging, in fact Alts are quick to gain those losses within a day or two.
STEEM which made a nice move on the market even at the time of the bloodbath was no surprise, as I mentioned a few days ago, STEEM compared to vaporware AMP was greatly undervalued. Some altcoins did not appreciate enough during this altcoin increase in market share, Steem ETC and Maid, were three such projects and now they are catching up.
I found this meme on imageflip
We need the Steemit community to unite to keep the momentum going. @klye is giving away baby lambo's starting next year:
klye [4:54 PM]
Next year if my net worth is over 2.5 million I'll buy you a baby lambo pfunk.
I just hope they are not manufactured with MS Paint.
I have to admit I miss it already. The end of Bitmark?
I created this one ☝️ if you've been missing a troll box 📦 mostly for fun but wouldn't mind seeing it fill upHttp:// 🤔🤔
Good for you. This was a gap needing filling. Did you do an [ANN] post on
Featuring live uncensored chat and live data from Poloniex!
No registration, no ads, no tracking.Lol we must be many to miss it because I also made my own trollbox
There is the exchange called that has their own TrollBox. Maybe not as entertaining as Polo's troll box but I wouldnt be surprised if more people move to that exchange because of the chat feature. Also I noticed polo is working a lot better without the Troll Box taking up most of the processing speed on the website
Trollbox to the moon!
Bitmark to the moon!
I heard he was also handing out chlamydia under his own brand "Klyemydia". :D
Dang, I could use a lambo rite now.
This is entirely true.
Lmao! RIP Poloniex trollbox.. Been banned from their chat for a well over a year now for insighting riots and pasting MS-paint dicks... Ahhh to be young again.
If my net worth is > 2.5 Million I will have to buy @pfunk a little Lambo.. Lets hope this happens. :D
I was trying to be second in line for the free lambo offer :D
Poloniex going down, killing public boxes is always one of the steps!
Are you joking? I kind of rely on your hunches :)
Absolutely not. The number one request in the trollbox was for the mods to provide support. To that request, they always replied that they didn't have access to the support resources. With the traffic that Polo has now, it's almost purely support related in there and hourly bans. You can't even read it anymore.
I know all that, but ive also called their trouble 3-4 weeks ago and me and some people took out all money out of there.
Time will tell how this ends but you been warned.
Of course i hope im wrong but better to be safe than sorry
So you are not. Took out some more money. Thanks!
I seriously hope that's not the case. I am against one exchange having huge market share, and happy Bittrex is doing much better now, but I do not want to see an exchange go down completely.
i do hope your right on that
poloniex going down would be like a massive fail for bitcoin and cryptocurrency! poloniex has too much at stake to allow that to happen!
This isnt mt gox in japan, this is a delaware based corporation, and when I ran the numbers a month or two ago poloniex was making like 200,000 dollars a day ad im sure they are now making alot more probably closer to 1 million a day and so theyre getting close to making a billion dollars in profits a year ann in crypto mostly bitcoin and it would be wise if poloniex spliit up into many different exchanges like one for bitcoin one for ethereum one for monero and one for USDtether
@kingscrown You will make huge alarm with this comment :D
i dunno if you can leap to that conclusion lol
Only big fear i have with poloniex is the government trying to shut them down an seizing all the coins!
I guess its just a good idea to have many coins spread out in many places on top of having some on a hardware wallet
Then that means will begin to get more traffic since they have their own TrollBox
Poloniex is starting to act like the government, they disable wallets for no reasons, blatantly refuse to process withdrawal and orders are processed on their time, especially when these coins are making a move. I notice they have been targeting certain altcoins, especially those base on CryptoNote technology, in fact, there are two altcoins, where my deposits are pending and can't even do a withdrawal. I see this as a deliberate attempt to control the volume of certain altcoins, someone needs to call them out. They love one CryptoNote coin in particular and you see how much they promote it. Someone please call them out, let the free market work, get their hands out and let the market reward and take away
Thats why they got rid of trolllbox. Everyone was leaking this info during influx of new users
Umm... they disable wallets becuase people (like me) withdrew coins which never arrived, then escalated several support tickets to complain and ask where my coins are, their only choice to mitigate these issues were to disable these wallets, its been nearly a month now and I still cannot find my coins even though the wallet has been up and down several times in the interim. They grew way too fast and have not built up a functional support team to deal with the amount of issues associated with that kind of growth, the trollbox was a bad move for them to begin with, I mean newcomers would actually take advice from the trollbox. lol
What was the point in a trollbox, was it just for people to speculate?
It was filled with hype, FUD, pumping, and even some really good news if you looked hard enough. I'm going to miss it T.T
nice post:)
That trollbox cost me money when I first joined 3 moths ago :smile: Divided feelings I have to say!
troll box made me all my money! I asked them what was best altcoin with best technology and they told me Siacoin was a great cooin with bright future, and i looked it up, bought over 30,000 siacoinfor like five bucks it turned into five hundred bucks,
There are the best and the worst ideas there. It's a gamble! :D
The Trollbox being removed would have absolutely nothing in common with Polo going down or otherwise. It's a smart move - should have been done months ago!
I'm so glad they did away with the trollbox. I think taking a step away from the ridiculous immaturity there is a good step for the larger community.
TBH I did enjoy the trollbox, I was asking @bittrex-bill to add one the other day. I know it's crazy, but it's funny at the same time. Also getting yourself banned once in a while is great :D
I guess I just wonder how "professionals" and people outside the community are going to want to be involved with people like that as the outward facing image. I mean yes it's fun, but if it's in the way of scalability...?
Yes people from outside the crypto community will not be able to see the troll box the same way we do. You are right with that.
I can totally appreciate what you're saying, though, don't get me wrong.
The ironic thing about the Polo trollbox is that you are not even allowed to troll.
"Never go full troll"
What percentage troll should one go? Should one go 35% troll? Should one go 65% troll? Maybe one should go 99% troll? Where are all the troll rules written down?.....I'm just mad that I got the banhammer for trolling inside the trollbox. :)
Always keep 20% Trollpower for backup, in case you need a sudden banhammer-massage!
Yes it was nice to see the various comments there and it would also give you some info about what was happening...and the animation of the hammer that fly towards you.....
RIP Troll box
...maybe it will come back if Poloniex will resolve all their issues
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @joseph!
Too many people revealing polo inside trader scams in troll box. I knew it would be only a matter of days
Poloniex is being so slow and bad in customer service, i do recommend Bittrex it's way better, and it have more currencies around 150 coins.
I'm going to miss the trollbox.
Well this is either good news or very bad news. But never the two at once.
Hey, nice grass :D
The trollbox is hilarious and will be missed. But it is crazy how people do no research and just jump into some bs that someone else posts with no analysis etc... Follow me if you are interested in seeing some crypto trade ideas
Maybe something is about to happen...
They are starving!
dont feed the trolls.jpg
RIP troll-box. I will miss you.

@joseph I'm already addicted!
poloniex always has some problem, do you use hitbtc?
They were not ready to scale, and that's bad planning. I have never used hitbtc.
I withdrew majority of my funds from Polo and took them to other platforms after the recent XRP kerfuffle.
What do you mean with XRP? What happened to it over on Poloniex?
Just as XRP was mooning the site went offline... and when it came back on XRP had been dumped to the depths of hell itself... And a lot of people lost a lot of money.
Ohhh, right. The XRP crash from May, okay. I thought there was another update here lol... yeah, I experienced something similar first hand when BTC dumped like crazy $600 below $2,000. I tried buying right then and there and my buy button just glitched out. I mean I didn't lose any money, but when everything came back online boom it was up an extra $200 in just like 10 minutes :P
I checked and they don't have STEEM listed yet. Do you know how to nominate them to add it?
That's a wise move, it's not a good idea to have more than you need on an exchange. doesn't have STEEM listed yet... Does anyone know how to nominate them to add it?
I am very happy to have this great opportunity :))
Omg, I just planned to open a account there. As I would like to try out the loan function to earn some interest. Any replacement do you suggest?
For lending no, I am not even sure yet if bittrex will allow that when they add margin.
Sad. As you know, the interest for lending in poloniex is quite attractive, I have calculated it could be around 30%. It would be really sad if it goes down
The interest is depending on what people lend.
I still have a month on one 60-day 0.1945% going - thats roughly 70%/year.
If you would lend now you would not even get 0.19% in a year, its down to 0.0001 and I don't think it can get lower.
You can still use Poloniex they are not shutting down. They've just killed off the Trollbox which was a live web chat for users on the site.
Lol that trollbox was funny... But indeed i believe poloniex is falling down... I avoided polo and moved directly to bittrex...
World is at peace again.
Awesome news. Maybe now Poloniex can fix my ticket and refund my $650.
Hopefully! I still have outstanding tickets from a month ago.
Good riddance! It's like being in a virtual room with a bunch of river boat gamblers.
Is this a good news or bad news for me. I was thinking to open a polo account. :( @joseph
It is inbetween news. Basically TrollBox was their chat forum, and due to the popularity in the chat people fear activity will die down but it wont/ As a matter of fact since they suspended the chat, the sites performance has been a lot better, before the site would crash and freeze often. TrollBox was very active and I believe that played a major roll in the sites ability to run. If you do like to chat check out other exchanges like also they have more selection. But you can always sign up for both :)
Thank you @soeysauce
So many problems. So little time!
All these crypto exchanges are very unprofessional. I think all they care about is commission they are getting. Customer support is really bad, you have to wait for more than a month to get a simple reply. We need a real good new player in this industry of crypto exchange.
It's about time they disable that trollbox and focus on making the platform much better. All I saw were lots of support tickets complaints. Sometimes I wonder how they're still in business.
By being a fucking huge exchange.
And by actutaly answering 99% of tickets. But nobody is complaining when he gets an answer.
nothing to be really missed ...
rip to the trolls :(
I think STEEM will hit $10 in the next 6 months it worth to invest in it also LISK.
The Trollbox was actually pretty funny sometimes, I miss it....
poloniex bye bye!!!
BTC-E still has a troll box, although they don't call it that.
I'll miss the trollbox, but it really was just spam most of the time.
Life means improving on mistakes. It's what I've learned from the Americans - "to fail forward!" If you're broke stand up, try again but fail better, than try harder - again and again. Success tastes the best when you had to pass inner borders. Then you will achieve inner freedom! Greetings!
Always insecure with my coins on poloniex
I honestly saw this coming, hopefully polloniex can step it up and stop being like this ...