Jamie Dimon was correct "Bitcoin will not end well"

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Jamie Dimon was correct "Bitcoin will not end well" but not in the way he thinks ! What he is missing is that the ones whom Bitcoin will not end well for are himself and all others who are tied to traditional banking services. The disruptions that Bitcoin and other crypto currencies cause to the banking and payments sectors and systems over the next decade will possibly drastically diminish the value of the major banking franchises in the world. Jamie seems convinced that a store of value or payment form must be tied to a central bank sanctioned currency. He and many others may resist this transformation of the financial systems of the world until it is to late for them to get out of the way of the freight train heading at them.

Digital assets used as a store of value or form of payment have already proven themselves to be viable and now that this blockchain technology has been released it is going to take over the financial sector among others. Andreas Andreopoulos pointed this out to me in a small bar in Milwaukee WI where I first saw him in back in 2013. He stated this is not about America but rather the 2 billion plus people on the planet who need a better form of financial value transfer than their governments or banks provided. He related as an example the use of cell phone minutes as a transaction form of value in one country in Africa accounting for nearly 20% of economic activity. Surely Bitcoin and other digital currencies provide this and as they are improved and accepted these digital assets will drastically change the financial world as we know it.

So to Jamie I say your resistance is futile! Only acceptance will save you ! If you continue to resist the value of your franchise will suffer and possibly collapse . So drink the Bitcoin / digital asset nectar and join the revolution.


Free not sure what your reference is to. Get what. Nothing is free but the air we breath or so I think. So tell me what you take away from my post that suggests getting something for free and I will respond.

It's a bot, doesn't have to make sense ;)