
its a shame most people do not understand that but they are taught in schools media and govt to get in when everybody is onto whatever they are telling you i bought british petroleum about six months after the oil spill cause everyone sold and and i more than doubled my money ion less than a year
but if i listened to the media i would never ever have touched that company
for it to get like how it is now with people asking govts for everything did not happen overnight
our ancestors would not ask the govt for absolutely nothing but protection of the country since they knew what government was now we ask the govt for everything and when they help us they make things way way way worse
at least some of us are away urasoul
by reading your things for a while at the beginning i thought you were a democrat for the way you write and say things but from all your reading i see you want to help and awaken people like me
i am not a liberal or conservative they are the same shit
i am probably a libertarian anarchist or volantaryist and maybe a mixture of all three
have a great evening and thanks for replying

i forgot to ask have you ever heard of egon von greyerz
ive been reading him for a very long time and i have yet to see him proven wrong about anything
his timing might be off but he is never ever wrong
doug casey and bill bonner are legends but even they are wrong occassionally
bonner with agora publishing has more viewers than FOX CNN and CNBC put together that alone should tell people something
k sorry for ranting on and take care JR and be safe bro

I have subscribed to Agora Financial in the past, is that what you are referring to? I can't say I have heard of that guy before though... do you have a link?

here is a little interview with egon and nope that is not agora but bill bonner is agora publishing