Remember Bitcoin Sign Guy? He's back!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

If you've been following bitcoin and cryptocurreny news over the past year or so, you may recall hearing about "Bitcoin Sign Guy".

He is the now infamous 20-something that held up a notepad with the words "Buy Bitcoin" etched on it in the middle of Janet Yellen's testimony to congress.

Pretty ballsy to say the least!

More about exactly what happened can be read here:

Now, 6 months later, he has done his first ever interview since the incident.

Check it out:

The video talks a little bit about why he was there and why he did what he did.

Overall, he seems to greatly value his privacy, and probably for good reason.

Anyone with any kind of bitcoin/cryptocurrency wealth is at significant risk these days as kidnappers are finding it easier to steal large amounts of crypto wealth as opposed to stealing more traditional forms of wealth.

Which is important to Bitcoin Sign Guy as he received right around 7 bitcoins for his stunt:

Which, at current prices, would be worth around $91k.

Was it all worth it?

Well, the monetary returns were not too shabby for holding up a notebad with some words scribbled on it, but the stunt had other costs and benefits as well.

The stunt likely means he can never attend another congressional hearing ever again, but perhaps that was a small price to pay?

Either way, Bitcoin Sign Guy thought it was probably worth it as he concluded his interview with this little piece:

"Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask, til I held up the sign."

Which was a play on a quote from this famous movie:

Very true Bitcoin Sign Guy, very true.

Stay informed my friends.


Image Sources:

Follow me: @jrcornel


😂😂😂, well that was surely a bit funny. Was well worth it!

I think so as well.

So informative, I really learnt a lot from your post. Thanks for sharing
Happy New Year

informative.crypto currency value change da by day.i also share about crypto news.

nice video and great information of cryptocurrency,i like this post
very good job,thanks for the good sharing

Creative uniqueness

Bitcoin Sign Guy... hahaha😁😁

He's true

Muy cierto

Yeah crypto wealth definitely makes one a target. Fiat currencies are soon to lose significance and things around the world may get very unstable in the transition. But I welcome the chaos, because it is desperately needed.

I would agree with you on both points.

amazing guy huh! "I dressed up like an idiot as I am " hahahahh nice one..

Seems like a funny and smart guy, doesn't he?

Quite smart.. ;)

A new folk hero!

He will wear that name probably forever. Or at least until bitcoin goes away, which ever comes first. :)

That is a cool story. "fedopilhia" haha probably in on pizzagate too! Great story, people are waking up to the slavery scam. The U.S. is a FREAKING corporation, I only learned that 2 months ago lol, oh well. Earth is Flat , peace and Happy New Year all.

Not sure about all that, but he certainly has some interesting views on things, which I think are shared by a large number of users on this very platform. :)

Certainly. Eric Dubay - The History of Flat Earth, started me on this strange path. If you have not given any real thought to the idea (understandable) that earth is flat, consider HOW YOU know it is flat. Yikes, gov, NASA (gov), school, news, tv , movies nothing but a bunch of liars. Think about water for a moment and try and figure out how it sticks to a ball spinning 1,000 MPH at the equator. Flat Earth makes Bitcoin, wealth, pretty much everything irrelevent, because when you realize this more than likely is the "TRU MAN " Show with a dome over our heads then it really changes your perspective on things.

There are Flat Earth videos with over a million views, either people have collectively LOST their minds or maybe, just maybe, there is so much evidence FOR Flat Earth that it enables people to somehow overcome a belief system inserted into their minds at age 6 or 7 and then REINFORCED for a lifetime from globes on tv, movies, school, etc etc. The earth being a BALL was a CERTAINTY for me before investigating why I believed that it was.

I leave you with this photo of INSANITY to ponder....Today NASA astro nots wash BY HAND with a towel and a little water, back then technology was much more advanced and allowed for a comfortable SPA TREATMENT!! Those were the Days lol! Peace.



Really nice information. I really loved this.


I like this one :)

Ah yeah, I remember that incident! I can't help but think that every time something like this happens, it's just one more piece of publicity that helps the crypto movement become a little more ingrained in popular culture... and hence another step towards mass adoption.

One thing he mentioned that I really hadn't given much mind to... "... born out of the cyberpunk movement..." I suppose that makes all of us cyberpunks, after a fashion...

Yep. I think now I would refer to us as steempunks... or maybe even steemitpunks. ;)

Interesting facts, he will go down in history.

Nice @jrcornel i remember when bitcoin first come to the scene in NYC there was a guy with slips by the wall street office, crazy how far we have come a little of topic but hey its been a rough day no redbull lol

Fun post. He was super gutsy to do that, and I am surprised it has taken this long before he spoke out again about it. Good stuff.

We need a buy Steemit sign guy. I will do it at a baseball game. No getting arrested for me though

Please vote my post

Looks interesting guy ! great to hear !!

very great can you vote me please

We see soon next one come up :)))))

That's new for me. :)