Optimal Bitcoin Optimism

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

If you are anything like myself, the first mention of Bitcoin went in one ear and out the other. You may have a self-proclaimed "computer genius" childhood friend that first encouraged you to acquire some Bitcoin a few years back. However, this advice fell on deaf ears. The idea of Bitcoin meant little to you. There was no point. But then the world began to recognize the immense value Bitcoin could offer and perspectives began to shift.

Bitcoin is financial punk rock, a ticket out of the Matrix, and a plausible solution to many problems we face with the current monetary system that continues to print fiat into oblivion. At the end of our lives, many of us will look back and realize we lived only to pay bills. Wouldn't it be nice to just LIVE for a living? What would you do if financial obligations took a back seat, leaving the forefront of your day-to-day focus? You would probably do exactly what you dream you could do, what you enjoy most. Which is probably what you are best at and that would be the best possible thing you could do with your life. This is the priceless existential value Bitcoin can offer the world. A world where people produce what they were meant to produce with their individual gifts.

This vision may sound all too optimistic, still yet I would beg to differ. Everything we have built our lives around is a construct of the human mind. Therefore, we can change anything. As a young man I wondered, why is money needed to solve the world's problems? Couldn't it just be done if the will of other people was present? Which led me to realize money is also just a construct. A construct that has come to dictate how we spend our time on earth. The thought of this saddens me as I know it does you. We all know the frustration. We were not meant to spend all day indoors tucked away in a cubicle under fluorescent hum.

Time is money and Bitcoin could afford us that time. This is a future within our grasp. If my optimism seems too high I’ll say this. It’s entirely possible we fall short of this idealistic existence. However, you can’t fall short without reaching.

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I accept Bitcoin! (Of course) As well as Ethereum, Litecoin, and B-cash. Send to corresponding address below.

BTC address: 126J2TCSj1VZ2iHC797o9PC5ryFsaXVvpP
ETH address: 0x8660519B7230A21fd9Ef64a73a894373903B27eA
LTC address: LWfq3WgTMPQNTvHPjTZw5NV8vB9gNU2aGU
BCH address: 1ArAZ3sgxMPUzj2xhyvu8sh7ep2aVANMcC

New to cryptocurrency? Buy Bitcoin here using the link below and we'll both get $10 worth of free BTC!

If you prefer old fashioned fiat, PayPal is an option as well

Thank you for your support!


btc is bank of the future and if we buy more and more we will get this nice future

Buy and hold baby! Simple as that!