The Bulls Coming Back?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

When you wake up and see BTC making new highs


Will the trend hold and go higher or will people start selling?


The market survived a drop in Tether volume, which is normally a bearish signal, but has held and gone higher...


What do you think? Are we about to see the return of the Bulls? Remember, coinbase just launched their custodial service.

Place your bets now ;)



Creo que se mantendra de manera muy sutil.. Ppr unos meses mas...

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I have my doubts. We have a nice rise but volume remains the same. Low. Usually volume increases when we see higer highs.

How long does volume lag behind price rises?


Sometimes, I look at gives like the one you used and wonder where that kid is now and what it is now doing.

I don't know what is going to happen to BTC and at this point, I feel like not putting too much importance on that may for the better. For my nerves, at least.

Wait till the therapist realise they can get paid in bitcoin to repair all the shattered nerves from BTC trading ;)


That would be funny. At least it's funny to imagine.

I really hope it does keep going up, it's been very depressing seeing my meagre holding nearly disappear in value!

#thealliance #witness

I have no idea what it will do in the short term, but medium to long term, the future looks bright.

How long have you been a witness? How difficult is it and how much does it cost? I am considering setting up a node in my new office

I'm quite a new Witness - only since the End of May. For longtivity you really need a server with 64gb Ram and 500gb SSD minimum, just to account for the rapid expansion of the blockchain.

Majority rent a VPS from the likes of but anywhere you can get a server of suitable spec will do.

Difficulty - this guide by Witness @yehey is probably the simplest to follow.

The biggest struggle is getting Witness votes - because blocks are dished out based on the Mega Vests your voters have - so it's not the number of people who vote you - it's the amount of Steem Power those voters have. lists the ranks, to work out potential earnings the formula is 33MV get's you one block per month.

I hope that helps, and thank you for that Witness vote - I'll free a slot up for you if you Start :-)

for me I will hold it for some time and bitcoin will go high again