Priceless, @keiserreport. Schiff is clearly stuck in the past. Also not willing to open his mind and learn. You did a great job with this interview much respect. Blockchains will shape the future and could end up being the launch pad for gold in the future. Blockchains will be the life blood of everything. The blockchain is the engine humanity has been looking for to drive us into the future and beyond.
I think it's either fear or denial. BTC has such a huge amount of adoption, not just in people owning it, but in companies building technology around it.
Hardware Wallets
BTC Visa cards
Japan now accepting BTC as official form of payment
The list goes on. Fear that gold is losing its value in favor of something they don't understand is what's making them deny what is happening before their very eyes.
Just like how Bitcoin Cash seems to be better.. it is still an ALTCOIN whether theres 100 or 10,000 altcoins.. people still want the REAL Bitcoin. That is why it is valuable.
I didn't blog it, but I totally predicted that the banks would pump btc and dump bitcoin cash after the fork. I'm not sure how low they can drop it, but even at $250 each you're gonna look like a genius a year from now buying at these prices.
Should BCH be better received than Litecoin? It's still an improvement on the architecture but I might argue that most of its value is associated with its name. even with the larger block size can it catch the faster coins can it have lower transaction fees? I didn't sell mine, but I am not inclined to buy anymore just yet. I don't think the selling is over and I don't see the catalyst to send this coin past its rivals in market cap. Perhaps I am wrong. We shall see.
To know & understand the present , we need to look at past :) , maybe MAY 21-2014 ( in my opnion he tell us in live i don't have Bitcoins to no lose his clients , and is respectable logic attitude but... check link )
E1109 @keiserreport Right off the bat, plug Steemit...awesome. Wish the episodes were longer, just can't get enough J. Diamond impressions; Stacy is even getting in on that, priceless. Thanks for the show and work.
That's why I'm trying so hard to become a top witness. And why I invested $40k of my personal funds into STEEM. I really believe, no bullshit, that blockchain will be the underlying technology of the majority of tech based companies in the future.
Whether it is via a public chain or a private chain, it will be integrated into most of tech. Hopefully we see more use of PoS or DPoS instead of PoW though. Otherwise we will be causing some serious long-term damage to the world via waste and consumption of resources.
Since being involved with blockchain development I have seen ways to implement the technology and drastically reduce operating costs for several industries. Just wait another 5-10 years and things will be really crazy.
I will still be heavily involved in crypto just like I have been since 2010. I have chosen to make crypto my full-time career and have never been more excited for my future.
wow 40k! that's quite the investment, i didn't invest anything and just started on steemit recently, i'm trying to learn about cryptocurrencies and blockchains and it's a lot to learn about at first but it is fascinating so that makes it easy, not to mention the fact that it has the potential to make me money (although so far i've only made 0.67$ lol)
Just trolling this article and discovered a new source of info I'm be following @netuoso! Anyone who throws 40k at something in its infancy and makes it his/her life's work should probably be followed by a new investor like me.
yea that definitely is , i'm guna follow you and start commenting and upvoting on anything i think is quality content. would appreciate some support in return
I'm a little late to the party but I had just been devastated from the state of the world's economy, I knew of bitcoin but no one ever properly explained it. This is the solution that I could never have come up with, and although regretful, better now than never. Reporting for duty on the Crypto train sir!
I am a client of Schiff's wealth management company, Euro Pacific Capital. The money his staff manages is one of many baskets. Their investment strategies are solid too.
Just because he is against crypto doesn't make everything else he says wrong.
Spread your wealth around, listen to lots or different people with different perspectives, and embrace the diversity. It protects you and what you have built.
Damn i clicked on the wrong line and upvoted my own post which is annoying. I dont know how to get rid of it! Thank you for replying. I too have picked 5% as my entry target for new buckets with uncertain futures. The problem is the sector is doing so well, I really have to up the game of the other buckets to avoid sitting on the cyber sidelines. 20% of Net worth is too rich for me though. If it goes wrong at that amount someone is going to be wearing an orange coverall.
I'm invested in many crypto coins, but they are bets. I'm gambling. Gresham's Law states that bad money drives out good money. Crypto works in reverse. The problem with Crypto is that good coins can be created to replace existing coins at any time. We never know when that may happen.
Yes, invest in quality sound crypto coins, but you should also diversify your wealth into many different baskets. Anyone that has all their wealth tied up in crypto is taking a HUGE risk. Yes, place your bets, hope for the best, and be a part of the future, but please... please... do not bet your entire future on them.
Do not place all of your wealth in one basket. Diversify. Spread your hard work around. Protect it by giving little pieces of it to different people and putting it in different places. I strongly suggest people to place quality bets on crypto and be involved, but I also suggest they be smart about it. Don't put all your hard labor over your entire life into a single basket (crypto).
I worked with a guy who was a janitor, no offense to janitors either, and the man had lost his entire life's wealth in the stock market. He was a day trader, and he lost it all on bad bets. Don't be him. You don't want to be the guy who's walked out from his janitor job for raging at a woman in the woman's bathroom.
None of us know for sure what will happen. Stay out of debt, diversify your holdings, prepare for the worst, and listen to lots of people with lots of different opinions. That is the best way to prosper no matter what happens. I don't want my friends to be ruined. I don't want them to lose all that they have worked so hard to gain either.
Schiff isn't stuck in the past. He's cautious. I value that too. Everyone should. Gamble, sure. Just don't gamble with everything. Why would you?! Some of your wealth should be placed in more conservative baskets. Be careful to not lose it all. Don't trust anyone or anything with all your wealth either.
He is obviously stuck in the past.. Max should have asked him what happens if they find an underwater gold deposit that has 100x more gold than has ever existed!
Yeah, that's Bix Weir's theory. That there is a VAST deposit of gold in the grand canyon. According to Bix the dollar collapses before the end of the year, J.P. Morgan drives the price of silver to $80K/oz to stave off bankruptcy, Bitcoin goes to $1 mil/coin, and gold drops like shit through a goose becuz of the grand canyon find. I'm "anxiously" awaiting Bix's "live!" feeds from the grand canyon in fact. I hear he's looking for an rv to use as a bugout vehicle. But if he doesn't find one in biggie. Clif "I'm always this" High will be more than happy to give Bix a ride in his rv. Clif the nastro-ignoramus of the crypto apocalypse on the road to roota with RotoRoooter Bix Weir. Can't wait for the tv series.
Exactly. There's a reason why so much of the world's gold is locked up in bank vaults or in Indian house holds. World gold production from mining is ~3,000 tones per year, but Indian households have over 20,000 tones on hand and there is easily 40,000 tones stored in banks and other places worldwide, not to mention gold actually in use. We also get over 1,000 tones per year from scrap. For a commodity that the gold bugs would have you believe is in such strong demand as a commodity people sure do have a lot of it not being used for anything other than currency or "investment" and just like diamonds it is in everyone's best interests to tightly control the supply and keep this "precious" metal off the shelves.
Wow bravo, you guys need to go at it more often, you too are arguing about bitcoin but for some reason I think you too are on the same page. I feel like Peter gets it, but he is just not willing to accept it. Please we need an on stage debate. I'll pay to see that. Thanks Max for being the first to introduce me to bitcoin it was at 20$ couldn't get my money fast enough to MTgox ended up purchasing it at 150$. I'm grateful for the paradigm shift. Thanks
Yes, blockchain is already being used by governments around the world. The discussion however is about Bitcoin vs. Gold, and I 100% agree with Peter Schiff that BTC is way too volatile to be used as a currency and is best used as a speculative asset.
Good point, I agree. Schiff will lose out in crypto space or maybe he is secretly investing in bitcoin...blockchain technology is here to stay!!!!!
Do you use bots , and what is your opinion about bots ? feel free to see my latest post about the subject and send in your comment. I wish you more success and hope that we stay in touch.
The challenge would be to keep the "blood' unspoiled since the blockchain can be turned against us. A great weapon always challenges both sides of the table.
I agree, Blockchain in general is starting to accelerate at an exponential rate in the private sectors specifically which will introduce more and more of the pubic into the public blockchain. Everything including stock markets are already getting ready to launch heir own platforms. Some(well connected bankers) are rushing to put together platforms which will allow people with large sums of money that haven't had an outlet previously to buy into cryptos. There will be volatility but after this summer I suspect we all should buckle up and prepare for liftoff.
Schiff like a lot of people of his generation are unwilling to see the future. They can't see it. They can only see things from the point of view of the old broken systems.
This will form a new history, in human civilization, how creation can influence the way of contemplative human life on earth, such as internet, smatrphon, and others. Blockchains in the decisive and fundamental fields.
Globalized decentralization is a huge step. I hope we do something soon to incentivise building a decentralized grid. The possibility of the powers that be shutting off the grid in certain areas or in general is the only thing that has me worried about cryptos in general, the reliance on the grid. Things like foodcoin can help make a difference in that industry. Hope the grid can be tackled sometime.
Schiff is right though, Bitcoin has become speculation, that's what saddens me. I'm surprised by Keiser's stance against gold though! I've been following his show since 2009, he was THE gold/silver advocate. Back then, he was also supporting and pushing publicity for the emerging bitcoin that nobody heard about. Now he seemed to have completely shifted to bitcoin.
I agree with Schiff's statement around 12:25, "It doesn't mean that people who bought it [bitcoin] were smart, they were lucky". Bull's eye.
You are so very, very close "thejohalfiles." A white paper is scheduled to be released next week. I am on the distribution list. Here is my email address: grc_f360@yahoo If anyone wishes for a copy please just request. I am sure Andrew (Maguire) will be on Max’s show, in due course to explain as this is his baby. This will resolve the “Physical Gold as a medium of exchange” conundrum and although targeted at institutional level, there is a way in for retail participants from as little as 1g Gold & 50g silver at a time.
Lol don't even. I've been in the crypto community since 2010.
Keiser said Bitcoin was too expensive and said Litecoin was the better option. Don't make me embarrass you with links. This shit is from 6-7 years ago.
People are allowed to change their opinions. Nothing wrong about it. I just said it is funny. And I guess you answered my question that this account isn't actually Keiser?
Ask Keiser if I should still be buying Quark and Maxcoin.
Keiser only started being more public about his desire to see Bitcoin succeed when all of his pump and dump schemes failed (though I'm sure he still likely stole some people's money) and his "predictions" were being revealed to be hot air.
This guy is interesting to watch but I sure as hell wouldn't be taking investing advice from him. He should keep adding benefit by interviewing people like this and bringing awareness to the network. But he should stay away from publicly promoting another alt coin, that's for sure.
Y'all should power up more Steem to have more credibility in this community. Doesn't really show confidence when you are a famous and successful investor and you have less than $200 in your wallet.
I respond with links of several instances where Keiser was pumping alts (which by itself shows a distrust in Bitcoin or at least a desire to scam) and I'm wasting your time. Haha.
If you keep making "predictions" one of them is bound to be true. His targets were off for every single coin he tried to pump and dump on his followers.
What he was doing was morally and ethically wrong .. let alone borderline illegal. Not sure why y'all blindly follow him.
As I said, I have been involved in the crypto world since 2010 and remember the crap Keiser was spreading. It is pretty hard to not make money from buying and holding crypto. Especially when you create the scamcoin and like to your followers to buy it before leaving thm with a pile a shit.
All good though, I realize that most of these financial experts have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to crypto. Might be more suited as a comedian
So you've been "involved in the crypto world since 2010" and yet only had a Steemit account for a month?? haha , yeah your really ahead of the curve in the crypto space my friend. Max and Stacy have clearly been important players in promoting the crypto revolution so love them or hate them they are deserving of respect. As for recommending alts that turn out to go nowhere, who hasn't done that?? Everyone who's into crypto has had highs and lows in their predictions and you think this is "borderline illegal". I think blindly taking advice without doing your own research is borderline stupidity, take a bit of responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others for your own failings in life.
Lol. This is coming from a user that has 163 STEEM and has been here for about a year. I was busy making money with other ventures to notice STEEM in its infancy. But I guess my account holding nearly $50k at the moment is a bit of an indication of my commitment to the platform.
Btw, KeiserReport happened to have their account created on the same day mine was. Does that somehow change the validity of the users points?
In 50 days I have become a top 50 witness, written and released several open source projects, release a ruby STEEM gem, partnered with MinnowSupport and personally wrote a bot platform to help manage their bots for the community, started a full RPC node for the network, and joined onto BuildTeam as a developer for minnowbooster, steemsports, steemvoter, and more that are not yet public.
Where the fuck have I failed buddy?
People should be able to have open discussions and not have to agree. The point of educated debate is to further ones knowledge by considering facts presented of multiple sources.
Max didn't just "recommend alts". He actively schemed to come up with MaxCoin and Quark nonsense. You can disagree with my opinion and presentation of evidence because that is your decision. No one said you had to agree.
hahahahaha nobody who was so successful would be so childish. Thanks for the laughs though. Maybe get out your mummys basement stop pulling your tally whacker and have some face to face conversations, once you been smacked in the mouth a few times you might grow up.
Shared on twitter and resteemed. Peter failed to recognise the impact Blockchain Technolgy HAS on Derivatives. Until Futures, Contracts and Derivatives are on the Blockchain, BITCOIN will beat GOLD. This I can guarantee. Great interview as always. Stephen
Nope, far from it. I Just think Peter is going to be proven massively wrong, you could already say he has been considering Bitcoin has been going strong for about 8 years now. Certainly not "tulip mania" haha
Yes, exactly! :) Then don't listen to him regarding crypto. I do not agree with him sbout it, but he has made me money through other solid strategies. In other words, he is wrong about one thing. That doesn't make him all wrong. Why throw out everything?
I would also say he's been wrong about the price of gold because for as long as I've been listening to him he's been saying it's about to go up massively, which is convenient because thats what he happens to be selling. Sooner or later it will go up and he will claim he was right all along. Don't get me wrong I don't think he's a total idiot, just that he stands to gain financially if gold succeeds and Bitcoin fails and I think that shows in what he says in interviews
Gold is being suppressed of course. Crypto cannot be, so far at least, but they have talked about an ETF for BTC.
I don't care what the price of gold is though. All I care is what it buys. It will always buy a lot. That's the primary reason I have it. The price in US Dollars doesn't matter.
Honestly, I do not buy crypto for its price in US Dollars either. I am buying and holding, and I want my crypto to have solid purchasing power regardless of the US Dollar price.
Bitcoin is limited and Gold is not.. They are both a store of value, whether it's physical or digital, and if you want to send value across the world it is way easier to send Bitcoin vs Gold, but realistically like Peter said what if something better comes a long?
Well there has been TONS of things come along (look at STEEM) that could be seen as better, but people still use Bitcoin just like people still use the dollar (IT IS THE MOST WIDELY ACCEPTED), and just like people use Facebook.. when the world finds something they all accept they seem to stick with it as long as it works, and the Dollar does not, but Bitcoin does.. and it can be forked if it needs to be upgraded, but only if the majority of the community agrees.. to make it better!
Max, Peter Schiff just doesn't get it I wouldn't bother trying. He is a Gold bug and he will only float his own boat. Someone could invent a way to make Gold and it would drop in price overnight. Most of the value in gold is imputed yet he cannot see that this is valid for Bitcoin just as much as with Gold.
Of course one must take into consideration that it is much more likely that somebody invents an alternative to bitcoin that is better than bitcoin than it is that someone comes up with a way to produce gold. :-)
Schiff has gotten a number of things right over the years, but as many others have said, he seems to be stuck in the past when it comes to new technology (specifically crypto). It's too bad for him, but the rest of us are looking at the writing on the wall and moving into the future.
I didn't read every comment so it may have been said elsewhere, but Pete doesn't seem to acknowledge that gold doesn't have an inherent value either. Goods can be made from it, just like steel or aluminum, but it's value was originally derived from its scarcity and while there MAY be a day when all the gold has been mined and all that exists is in circulation there's no way to truly know now or ever, how much gold is in existence. Cryptocurrencies don't have that handicap. Nor does he acknowledge that a store of value is whatever a group decides is valuable. True, Bitcoin has no inherent value either, but nothing does. A chicken may hold significant value to someone who likes fresh eggs or chicken but it's worthless to someone who doesn't. Even considering barter value one has to invest in it to keep it producing or edible until it can be traded for other goods. I don't think it's far fetched that a generation has come along and decided (or will decide) that a digital currency that has the best of both cash and plastic with little to none of the drawbacks should be the dominant store of value for the future, even if it is inherently worthless, because the benefits it brings to the table far outweigh that inherent worthlessness. I agree this sounds like a guy who's only preaching what he knows and is oblivious to what lies ahead.
We ran into Peter Schiff at the Freedom Fest in Las Vegas a week ago; and this is the bitcoin vs gold debate that followed:
The debate begins immediately so no need to skip ahead. In the second half, however, is the second half of Max's interview, where all things crypto are discussed . . . so you'll want to stay tuned for that, too.
why the hell is your plagiarism of the write-up getting 0.43 steem. It contributes nothing whatsoever to the discussion . @steemcommunity We should put something in place to prevent garbage comments like this.
Hallo @keiserreport, I am interested in your various posts, maybe I can learn from your post to equate my various articles. And I've followed you so that posting always appear to me. Therefore I beg for help vote, reblog and follow back my account. Thank you for your attention
It is incredible that Schiff does not understand that "backing" is only needed to secure rarity/defy counterfeit money. Gold or whatever is just a lump of atoms, nothing more, it is NOT magical. Cryptos exactly do not need backing because they are limited in supply and cannot be counterfeit. NOBODY wants a fiat currency backed by some cumbersome commodity. It is asking for the same trouble we have had with governement controlled money for 3000 years. Wake up Schiff !!!
What Peter Schiff doesn't understand is that Gold would need to be stored and secured for cyrpto backed by gold. And the government can always come and steal the gold. Who's going to buy crypto when the government can take it when it wants.. Bitcoin is brilliant at taking the place of gold to trade a store of value around the world because no one can steal it. Biitcoin only exists on the ledger which is in the cloud.
This episode demonstrates why your show is so valuable.
Max & Peter Schiff both have valid points, right now (and I know this is going to create some cognitive dissonance) cryptocurrencies only have value because the people using it all agree it has value. And the vast majority of people entering the space are speculators.
That's why I bought my 3.6 Ethereum, with the expectation that it's going to increase in value.
But in the second half, Max & Charlie discuss the "unseen" aspect of it (to paraphrase Bastiat) and that is the pulling of fiat out of the market (and out of the control of the State) and into crypto.
This is such a complex and diverse issue that they're all correct.
Everything only has value because people believe it has value. All value is subjective to the needs and wants of everyone. "FIAT" literally means "by decree" - as in by government dictate. US dollars only have value because of legal tender laws that say you have to accept them, and by a military that enforces the petrodollar on oil-producing nations. Obviously, crypto is NOT fiat.
But the USD was backed by Gold until Nixon finally closed the window in 1971. The Saudis helped him do it, which is why they looked the other way when the Saudis financed 9/11. Legal tender laws can't force another country to accept USD either, thanks again Saudi Arabia. The vast majority of Americans still don't realize that. They also think that their bank has a vault where they keep everyone's money.
As far as crypto goes, until you see prices quoted in crytpo, it's still a speculative purchase. There's nothing wrong with that, the danger is when people think crypto is equivalent to a physical asset, like gold. A paper wallet or a Trezor in your safe is not the same thing as a gold (or even a silver) coin. You might just as well be buying paper gold, i.e. if you can't hold it in your hand, you don't own it.
Most definitely! If the gold & silver derivative markets on the stock exchanges weren't fake, they would be getting a run that cryptocurrencies currently are.
I have always been a BIG FAN of Max Keiser I just wish I would have stepped up to the plate sooner with Bitcoin. Yes I know everyone says the same thing. I think we are still in the Baby stages of the Cryptos and there is still lots more Fireworks to the UP Side. Sending Love to Stacy and Max !!!
I remember watching one of Max and Stacy's videos a few years ago about bitcoin. I totally agreed... but didn't learn how to buy or earn Bitcoin. Now I'm in on crypto-currencies. Took me a while. Wish I was in sooner, but I'm in now.
This the same reason why most of the people I invite to join steemit keep skeptical. Base on my personal experience, I invited all my office mate which is 34 people to be exact. We have some debate where I explaine how it works and the role of the blockchain in their future. I also vissualize how currency will evolve and shift to crypto, and luckily only one among 34 open a mind and joined steemit with his very little understanding on cypto currecy. While all these 33 people stay and stuck behind the old system.
exx007, this is the exact same situation I was in when eth was under a dollar and I was talking to cryptopeople! It requires an open mind to be one of the firsts to truly listen and understand the possibilities of the new tech and for that reason only to join it.
Bottom line = "Hedge ALL bets, and DON"T put all your eggs in one basket... otherwise, you're leaving yourself open to the purest of destruction in every regard.... don't say I didn't tell ya so in advance......
All due respect - though I'm a firm believer in owning ample amounts of both bitcoin & precious metals - Peter definitely out weighed Max in this particular Mexican stand-off - HANDS DOWN...
LOL! Rich men arguing. If I had money I could take to Vegas and put in a slot machine, I would buy bitcoin with it instead. If I had a pocket full of cash that I did not need now but could not afford to lose, I would buy gold. I have neither, so I am a silver girl.
I love how Peter is saying merchants will be pricing their items in gold in future but can't see the same happening for bitcoin. What will the kids of today use? Why would they use gold when bitcoin does the same job better. But it's always good to hear the reasons from the "other side".
He's also saying people might not want bitcoin tomorrow, but if bitcoin is digital gold, why wouldn't they? It's very hard to move gold around and there's a lot of fees, also somebody could easily stop you. Either he's not seeing the full picture or he's just touting gold because it's his work and that brings food to his table. I'd say it's the latter.
I think this stems from the difficulty people have of measuring value without a yardstick, local currency is that yardstick. There will be a global currency and unless something monumental happens it will be Bitcoin but also there will be others as well. I think local currency will survive for some years as the yardstick of value but will decline slowly over the years, it is possible that one time in the distant future there will be only one dominant universal currency.
Perhaps because its NOT digital GOLD - its just digits with a traceable ledger that governments, should they so decide/decree - can get their corrupt paws on in a few quick pieces of tyrannical legislation....
I hear ya stimp, but if they really wanted to, you and I both now they could make it illegal to use - thus rendering it worthless... At least precious metals have intrinsic value beyond that which any government may render the underlying as non-legal tender... Best bet - have a good bit of both on hand and you'll be far better off than with just one or the other.... Just my opinion... :)
I am not knocking Gold, been valuable for donkeys years and will always have intrinsic value, so holding a bit of both is a wise call, eggs in one basket and all that :)
Schiff says that cryptocurrency are based on trust! And the gold is not based on trust too!? That's ironic, if we go deep in this matter, it's all based on trust. It can also happen no one wants to accept gold!
When a person's livelihood is dependent on a certain condition, it is incredibly difficult for them to imagine they are wrong on an issue.
Try to convince a pension holder that they're funds aren't safe, a real estate agent that homes aren't a good investment, or a central banker that fiat money is no good. It's nearly impossible.
We're all generally more interested in convincing ourselves the truth of our own ideas rather than being open to new truths.
Great little debate there Peter Schiff will miss the boat again just like he admitted in this video that yes he should have bought in when it was $5 then he could sell it now very soon Bitocin will hit $10 000 and he will say it again that he should have bought it when it was $3000 and again when it hits $100 000 lol he is such A tool
Priceless, @keiserreport. Schiff is clearly stuck in the past. Also not willing to open his mind and learn. You did a great job with this interview much respect. Blockchains will shape the future and could end up being the launch pad for gold in the future. Blockchains will be the life blood of everything. The blockchain is the engine humanity has been looking for to drive us into the future and beyond.
Was a good-natured, deep debate. Glad Max did this and that Schiff participated. Thanks, Stacy
I think it's either fear or denial. BTC has such a huge amount of adoption, not just in people owning it, but in companies building technology around it.
The list goes on. Fear that gold is losing its value in favor of something they don't understand is what's making them deny what is happening before their very eyes.
Just like how Bitcoin Cash seems to be better.. it is still an ALTCOIN whether theres 100 or 10,000 altcoins.. people still want the REAL Bitcoin. That is why it is valuable.
BTC is the King.
true and will remain that way for sure.
I didn't blog it, but I totally predicted that the banks would pump btc and dump bitcoin cash after the fork. I'm not sure how low they can drop it, but even at $250 each you're gonna look like a genius a year from now buying at these prices.
Should BCH be better received than Litecoin? It's still an improvement on the architecture but I might argue that most of its value is associated with its name. even with the larger block size can it catch the faster coins can it have lower transaction fees? I didn't sell mine, but I am not inclined to buy anymore just yet. I don't think the selling is over and I don't see the catalyst to send this coin past its rivals in market cap. Perhaps I am wrong. We shall see.
Litecoin is up 0.31% today. Bitcoin Cash is up 55%
Touche. Perhaps no reason is needed :)
bitcoin cash like the evil twin of bitcoin had a big opening look at it now i dont see such a bright future for it...@rogerblu
and him told... you can't buy nothing with bitcoins :D . ha ha & ha.
To know & understand the present , we need to look at past :) , maybe MAY 21-2014 ( in my opnion he tell us in live i don't have Bitcoins to no lose his clients , and is respectable logic attitude but... check link )
E1109 @keiserreport Right off the bat, plug Steemit...awesome. Wish the episodes were longer, just can't get enough J. Diamond impressions; Stacy is even getting in on that, priceless. Thanks for the show and work.
Go, go Bitcoin to 1.000.000 $ :)
Awesome job max! keep up the good work! hope to see you promoting some exclusive steem content on your show :D
That's why I'm trying so hard to become a top witness. And why I invested $40k of my personal funds into STEEM. I really believe, no bullshit, that blockchain will be the underlying technology of the majority of tech based companies in the future.
Whether it is via a public chain or a private chain, it will be integrated into most of tech. Hopefully we see more use of PoS or DPoS instead of PoW though. Otherwise we will be causing some serious long-term damage to the world via waste and consumption of resources.
Since being involved with blockchain development I have seen ways to implement the technology and drastically reduce operating costs for several industries. Just wait another 5-10 years and things will be really crazy.
I will still be heavily involved in crypto just like I have been since 2010. I have chosen to make crypto my full-time career and have never been more excited for my future.
wow 40k! that's quite the investment, i didn't invest anything and just started on steemit recently, i'm trying to learn about cryptocurrencies and blockchains and it's a lot to learn about at first but it is fascinating so that makes it easy, not to mention the fact that it has the potential to make me money (although so far i've only made 0.67$ lol)
Good job on your highest paid comment so far then ;)
Just trolling this article and discovered a new source of info I'm be following @netuoso! Anyone who throws 40k at something in its infancy and makes it his/her life's work should probably be followed by a new investor like me.
yea that definitely is , i'm guna follow you and start commenting and upvoting on anything i think is quality content. would appreciate some support in return
I'm a little late to the party but I had just been devastated from the state of the world's economy, I knew of bitcoin but no one ever properly explained it. This is the solution that I could never have come up with, and although regretful, better now than never. Reporting for duty on the Crypto train sir!
I am a client of Schiff's wealth management company, Euro Pacific Capital. The money his staff manages is one of many baskets. Their investment strategies are solid too.
Just because he is against crypto doesn't make everything else he says wrong.
Spread your wealth around, listen to lots or different people with different perspectives, and embrace the diversity. It protects you and what you have built.
I agree too.
Would you comment on what percentage you are prepared to carry in your crypto bucket?
I only have about 5% at the moment, but I will increase that, with a majority being STEEM, to about 20% in the future.
Damn i clicked on the wrong line and upvoted my own post which is annoying. I dont know how to get rid of it! Thank you for replying. I too have picked 5% as my entry target for new buckets with uncertain futures. The problem is the sector is doing so well, I really have to up the game of the other buckets to avoid sitting on the cyber sidelines. 20% of Net worth is too rich for me though. If it goes wrong at that amount someone is going to be wearing an orange coverall.
hahaha check this and die of laughs Https://
Launch pad for gold in the future?
I'm invested in many crypto coins, but they are bets. I'm gambling. Gresham's Law states that bad money drives out good money. Crypto works in reverse. The problem with Crypto is that good coins can be created to replace existing coins at any time. We never know when that may happen.
Yes, invest in quality sound crypto coins, but you should also diversify your wealth into many different baskets. Anyone that has all their wealth tied up in crypto is taking a HUGE risk. Yes, place your bets, hope for the best, and be a part of the future, but please... please... do not bet your entire future on them.
Do not place all of your wealth in one basket. Diversify. Spread your hard work around. Protect it by giving little pieces of it to different people and putting it in different places. I strongly suggest people to place quality bets on crypto and be involved, but I also suggest they be smart about it. Don't put all your hard labor over your entire life into a single basket (crypto).
I worked with a guy who was a janitor, no offense to janitors either, and the man had lost his entire life's wealth in the stock market. He was a day trader, and he lost it all on bad bets. Don't be him. You don't want to be the guy who's walked out from his janitor job for raging at a woman in the woman's bathroom.
None of us know for sure what will happen. Stay out of debt, diversify your holdings, prepare for the worst, and listen to lots of people with lots of different opinions. That is the best way to prosper no matter what happens. I don't want my friends to be ruined. I don't want them to lose all that they have worked so hard to gain either.
Schiff isn't stuck in the past. He's cautious. I value that too. Everyone should. Gamble, sure. Just don't gamble with everything. Why would you?! Some of your wealth should be placed in more conservative baskets. Be careful to not lose it all. Don't trust anyone or anything with all your wealth either.
Sage advice - your comment is worthy of a post in itself
Thanks :)
Thank you :)
Everything you said, so much this!
Thank you! :)
He is obviously stuck in the past.. Max should have asked him what happens if they find an underwater gold deposit that has 100x more gold than has ever existed!
Yeah, that's Bix Weir's theory. That there is a VAST deposit of gold in the grand canyon. According to Bix the dollar collapses before the end of the year, J.P. Morgan drives the price of silver to $80K/oz to stave off bankruptcy, Bitcoin goes to $1 mil/coin, and gold drops like shit through a goose becuz of the grand canyon find. I'm "anxiously" awaiting Bix's "live!" feeds from the grand canyon in fact. I hear he's looking for an rv to use as a bugout vehicle. But if he doesn't find one in biggie. Clif "I'm always this" High will be more than happy to give Bix a ride in his rv. Clif the nastro-ignoramus of the crypto apocalypse on the road to roota with RotoRoooter Bix Weir. Can't wait for the tv series.
or what happens when the power goes out
its not about how much gold there is its about how much it would cost per ounce to produce that gold
Exactly. There's a reason why so much of the world's gold is locked up in bank vaults or in Indian house holds. World gold production from mining is ~3,000 tones per year, but Indian households have over 20,000 tones on hand and there is easily 40,000 tones stored in banks and other places worldwide, not to mention gold actually in use. We also get over 1,000 tones per year from scrap. For a commodity that the gold bugs would have you believe is in such strong demand as a commodity people sure do have a lot of it not being used for anything other than currency or "investment" and just like diamonds it is in everyone's best interests to tightly control the supply and keep this "precious" metal off the shelves.
Wow bravo, you guys need to go at it more often, you too are arguing about bitcoin but for some reason I think you too are on the same page. I feel like Peter gets it, but he is just not willing to accept it. Please we need an on stage debate. I'll pay to see that. Thanks Max for being the first to introduce me to bitcoin it was at 20$ couldn't get my money fast enough to MTgox ended up purchasing it at 150$. I'm grateful for the paradigm shift. Thanks
check this and die of laughs Https://
Yes, blockchain is already being used by governments around the world. The discussion however is about Bitcoin vs. Gold, and I 100% agree with Peter Schiff that BTC is way too volatile to be used as a currency and is best used as a speculative asset.
Good point, I agree. Schiff will lose out in crypto space or maybe he is secretly investing in bitcoin...blockchain technology is here to stay!!!!!
Do you use bots , and what is your opinion about bots ? feel free to see my latest post about the subject and send in your comment. I wish you more success and hope that we stay in touch.
For those who don't have a bank, block chain would definitely help to manage.
The challenge would be to keep the "blood' unspoiled since the blockchain can be turned against us. A great weapon always challenges both sides of the table.
I agree, Blockchain in general is starting to accelerate at an exponential rate in the private sectors specifically which will introduce more and more of the pubic into the public blockchain. Everything including stock markets are already getting ready to launch heir own platforms. Some(well connected bankers) are rushing to put together platforms which will allow people with large sums of money that haven't had an outlet previously to buy into cryptos. There will be volatility but after this summer I suspect we all should buckle up and prepare for liftoff.
Schiff like a lot of people of his generation are unwilling to see the future. They can't see it. They can only see things from the point of view of the old broken systems.
True bro!
someone give him some bitcoin so he could see it rise and be happy about it already
A friend recommended me IOTA and I think it's a Sleeping Giant!
Max is the MAN! Schiff has costed quite a few people I have met TONS of money! Max actually knows the technology boom isn't a hot air balloon.
Yes @thejohalfiles,
Blockchains is the great ...
This will form a new history, in human civilization, how creation can influence the way of contemplative human life on earth, such as internet, smatrphon, and others. Blockchains in the decisive and fundamental fields.
Globalized decentralization is a huge step. I hope we do something soon to incentivise building a decentralized grid. The possibility of the powers that be shutting off the grid in certain areas or in general is the only thing that has me worried about cryptos in general, the reliance on the grid. Things like foodcoin can help make a difference in that industry. Hope the grid can be tackled sometime.
Schiff is right though, Bitcoin has become speculation, that's what saddens me. I'm surprised by Keiser's stance against gold though! I've been following his show since 2009, he was THE gold/silver advocate. Back then, he was also supporting and pushing publicity for the emerging bitcoin that nobody heard about. Now he seemed to have completely shifted to bitcoin.
I agree with Schiff's statement around 12:25, "It doesn't mean that people who bought it [bitcoin] were smart, they were lucky". Bull's eye.
You are so very, very close "thejohalfiles." A white paper is scheduled to be released next week. I am on the distribution list. Here is my email address: grc_f360@yahoo If anyone wishes for a copy please just request. I am sure Andrew (Maguire) will be on Max’s show, in due course to explain as this is his baby. This will resolve the “Physical Gold as a medium of exchange” conundrum and although targeted at institutional level, there is a way in for retail participants from as little as 1g Gold & 50g silver at a time.
Is this for real? Is this Max Keiser on SteemIt or just some PR arm?
Keiser used to talk so much shit about Bitcoin and crypto. It was funny seeing his attitude towards it change.
Eh? Methinks you are talking out of your bottom? Provide one link for Max talking shit about bitcoin.
Lol don't even. I've been in the crypto community since 2010.
Keiser said Bitcoin was too expensive and said Litecoin was the better option. Don't make me embarrass you with links. This shit is from 6-7 years ago.
People are allowed to change their opinions. Nothing wrong about it. I just said it is funny. And I guess you answered my question that this account isn't actually Keiser?
Ask Keiser if I should still be buying Quark and Maxcoin.
Provide the links.
Quark scam
More scam pump and dump
One user think Max deserves jail for market manipulation. He isn't alone
Litecoin interim target of $50?!
More pump and dump?
Keiser only started being more public about his desire to see Bitcoin succeed when all of his pump and dump schemes failed (though I'm sure he still likely stole some people's money) and his "predictions" were being revealed to be hot air.
This guy is interesting to watch but I sure as hell wouldn't be taking investing advice from him. He should keep adding benefit by interviewing people like this and bringing awareness to the network. But he should stay away from publicly promoting another alt coin, that's for sure.
Y'all should power up more Steem to have more credibility in this community. Doesn't really show confidence when you are a famous and successful investor and you have less than $200 in your wallet.
So you have nothing. Thanks for wasting my time. Won't make that mistake again. Stacy
I respond with links of several instances where Keiser was pumping alts (which by itself shows a distrust in Bitcoin or at least a desire to scam) and I'm wasting your time. Haha.
Price of bitcoin goes to 3288$ !!!!!!
what the hell are you talking about , he was one the first people to talk about it back in 2011
If you keep making "predictions" one of them is bound to be true. His targets were off for every single coin he tried to pump and dump on his followers.
What he was doing was morally and ethically wrong .. let alone borderline illegal. Not sure why y'all blindly follow him.
As I said, I have been involved in the crypto world since 2010 and remember the crap Keiser was spreading. It is pretty hard to not make money from buying and holding crypto. Especially when you create the scamcoin and like to your followers to buy it before leaving thm with a pile a shit.
All good though, I realize that most of these financial experts have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to crypto. Might be more suited as a comedian
So you've been "involved in the crypto world since 2010" and yet only had a Steemit account for a month?? haha , yeah your really ahead of the curve in the crypto space my friend. Max and Stacy have clearly been important players in promoting the crypto revolution so love them or hate them they are deserving of respect. As for recommending alts that turn out to go nowhere, who hasn't done that?? Everyone who's into crypto has had highs and lows in their predictions and you think this is "borderline illegal". I think blindly taking advice without doing your own research is borderline stupidity, take a bit of responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others for your own failings in life.
Lol. This is coming from a user that has 163 STEEM and has been here for about a year. I was busy making money with other ventures to notice STEEM in its infancy. But I guess my account holding nearly $50k at the moment is a bit of an indication of my commitment to the platform.
Btw, KeiserReport happened to have their account created on the same day mine was. Does that somehow change the validity of the users points?
In 50 days I have become a top 50 witness, written and released several open source projects, release a ruby STEEM gem, partnered with MinnowSupport and personally wrote a bot platform to help manage their bots for the community, started a full RPC node for the network, and joined onto BuildTeam as a developer for minnowbooster, steemsports, steemvoter, and more that are not yet public.
Where the fuck have I failed buddy?
People should be able to have open discussions and not have to agree. The point of educated debate is to further ones knowledge by considering facts presented of multiple sources.
Max didn't just "recommend alts". He actively schemed to come up with MaxCoin and Quark nonsense. You can disagree with my opinion and presentation of evidence because that is your decision. No one said you had to agree.
hahahahaha nobody who was so successful would be so childish. Thanks for the laughs though. Maybe get out your mummys basement stop pulling your tally whacker and have some face to face conversations, once you been smacked in the mouth a few times you might grow up.
Just attempt to resort to insult when your point has been invalidated. Trust me, makes you seem very credible.
Shared on twitter and resteemed. Peter failed to recognise the impact Blockchain Technolgy HAS on Derivatives. Until Futures, Contracts and Derivatives are on the Blockchain, BITCOIN will beat GOLD. This I can guarantee. Great interview as always. Stephen
Hey @stephenkendal! We've got to have you back on Keiser Report soon!
Hi Max. Would love to come back on your show as long as I can plug Steemit and Steem ;) ;). I cannot thank you and Stacy enough for giving me some great exposure after being on your show last year. Stephen
Yeah please bring back that mini stone henge model with the derivatives wrecking ball!
Please soon :)
Price of bitcoin goes to 3288$ !!!!!!
Price of bitcoin goes to 3288$ !!!!!!
I didn't see it that way. Do you have all your wealth in one basket? I hope, for your sake, you do not. :)
Nope, far from it. I Just think Peter is going to be proven massively wrong, you could already say he has been considering Bitcoin has been going strong for about 8 years now. Certainly not "tulip mania" haha
Yes, exactly! :) Then don't listen to him regarding crypto. I do not agree with him sbout it, but he has made me money through other solid strategies. In other words, he is wrong about one thing. That doesn't make him all wrong. Why throw out everything?
I would also say he's been wrong about the price of gold because for as long as I've been listening to him he's been saying it's about to go up massively, which is convenient because thats what he happens to be selling. Sooner or later it will go up and he will claim he was right all along. Don't get me wrong I don't think he's a total idiot, just that he stands to gain financially if gold succeeds and Bitcoin fails and I think that shows in what he says in interviews
Gold is being suppressed of course. Crypto cannot be, so far at least, but they have talked about an ETF for BTC.
I don't care what the price of gold is though. All I care is what it buys. It will always buy a lot. That's the primary reason I have it. The price in US Dollars doesn't matter.
Honestly, I do not buy crypto for its price in US Dollars either. I am buying and holding, and I want my crypto to have solid purchasing power regardless of the US Dollar price.
check this and die of laughs Https://
Very informative. A good, articulate back and forth. Thanks for sharing @keiserreport.
Bitcoin is limited and Gold is not.. They are both a store of value, whether it's physical or digital, and if you want to send value across the world it is way easier to send Bitcoin vs Gold, but realistically like Peter said what if something better comes a long?
Well there has been TONS of things come along (look at STEEM) that could be seen as better, but people still use Bitcoin just like people still use the dollar (IT IS THE MOST WIDELY ACCEPTED), and just like people use Facebook.. when the world finds something they all accept they seem to stick with it as long as it works, and the Dollar does not, but Bitcoin does.. and it can be forked if it needs to be upgraded, but only if the majority of the community agrees.. to make it better!
I keep about 85-90% crypto, 5% gold & silver, and about 5-10% fiat for spending money and buying into dips.
Gold is not limited? Think again.
gold has to mine and its has to be profitable to mine, it it cost 5k per ounce there not going to mine it
Thanks for sharing
Nice video!
Max, Peter Schiff just doesn't get it I wouldn't bother trying. He is a Gold bug and he will only float his own boat. Someone could invent a way to make Gold and it would drop in price overnight. Most of the value in gold is imputed yet he cannot see that this is valid for Bitcoin just as much as with Gold.
Of course one must take into consideration that it is much more likely that somebody invents an alternative to bitcoin that is better than bitcoin than it is that someone comes up with a way to produce gold. :-)
Schiff has gotten a number of things right over the years, but as many others have said, he seems to be stuck in the past when it comes to new technology (specifically crypto). It's too bad for him, but the rest of us are looking at the writing on the wall and moving into the future.
There is no debate. Gold is something physical with intrinsic value to the physical.
Bitcoin is the future. Nothing physical, in the cloud.
I didn't read every comment so it may have been said elsewhere, but Pete doesn't seem to acknowledge that gold doesn't have an inherent value either. Goods can be made from it, just like steel or aluminum, but it's value was originally derived from its scarcity and while there MAY be a day when all the gold has been mined and all that exists is in circulation there's no way to truly know now or ever, how much gold is in existence. Cryptocurrencies don't have that handicap. Nor does he acknowledge that a store of value is whatever a group decides is valuable. True, Bitcoin has no inherent value either, but nothing does. A chicken may hold significant value to someone who likes fresh eggs or chicken but it's worthless to someone who doesn't. Even considering barter value one has to invest in it to keep it producing or edible until it can be traded for other goods. I don't think it's far fetched that a generation has come along and decided (or will decide) that a digital currency that has the best of both cash and plastic with little to none of the drawbacks should be the dominant store of value for the future, even if it is inherently worthless, because the benefits it brings to the table far outweigh that inherent worthlessness. I agree this sounds like a guy who's only preaching what he knows and is oblivious to what lies ahead.
A real must watch.
We ran into Peter Schiff at the Freedom Fest in Las Vegas a week ago; and this is the bitcoin vs gold debate that followed:
The debate begins immediately so no need to skip ahead. In the second half, however, is the second half of Max's interview, where all things crypto are discussed . . . so you'll want to stay tuned for that, too.
why the hell is your plagiarism of the write-up getting 0.43 steem. It contributes nothing whatsoever to the discussion . @steemcommunity We should put something in place to prevent garbage comments like this.
Hallo @keiserreport, I am interested in your various posts, maybe I can learn from your post to equate my various articles. And I've followed you so that posting always appear to me. Therefore I beg for help vote, reblog and follow back my account. Thank you for your attention
It is incredible that Schiff does not understand that "backing" is only needed to secure rarity/defy counterfeit money. Gold or whatever is just a lump of atoms, nothing more, it is NOT magical. Cryptos exactly do not need backing because they are limited in supply and cannot be counterfeit. NOBODY wants a fiat currency backed by some cumbersome commodity. It is asking for the same trouble we have had with governement controlled money for 3000 years. Wake up Schiff !!!
What Peter Schiff doesn't understand is that Gold would need to be stored and secured for cyrpto backed by gold. And the government can always come and steal the gold. Who's going to buy crypto when the government can take it when it wants.. Bitcoin is brilliant at taking the place of gold to trade a store of value around the world because no one can steal it. Biitcoin only exists on the ledger which is in the cloud.
Schiff lost this one big time! Sell gold and silver and buy BITCOIN!
Wow loved the vid
I love gold and silver but you've got to keep an open mind, cheers mike
Bitcoin is not a digital fiat currency Peter :)) Coming in 2 years: Peter Schiff was wrong about Bitcoin.
In two years? Schiff has been wrong about bitcoin since 2012.
I think that may be a reference to the Youtube videos entitled "Peter Schiff Was Right" in which he correctly predicted the Great Recession.
I respect Peter and think he's right about gold and silver... but he's also wrong about crypto-currencies.
Why are all of these Peter Schiff vs Crypto arguments beginning to look set up? Could it be... Lucifer? Ha!
Yeah...! We love ALL of you Free Masons out there. And so does Jesus!
This episode demonstrates why your show is so valuable.
Max & Peter Schiff both have valid points, right now (and I know this is going to create some cognitive dissonance) cryptocurrencies only have value because the people using it all agree it has value. And the vast majority of people entering the space are speculators.
That's why I bought my 3.6 Ethereum, with the expectation that it's going to increase in value.
But in the second half, Max & Charlie discuss the "unseen" aspect of it (to paraphrase Bastiat) and that is the pulling of fiat out of the market (and out of the control of the State) and into crypto.
This is such a complex and diverse issue that they're all correct.
Everything only has value because people believe it has value. All value is subjective to the needs and wants of everyone. "FIAT" literally means "by decree" - as in by government dictate. US dollars only have value because of legal tender laws that say you have to accept them, and by a military that enforces the petrodollar on oil-producing nations. Obviously, crypto is NOT fiat.
But the USD was backed by Gold until Nixon finally closed the window in 1971. The Saudis helped him do it, which is why they looked the other way when the Saudis financed 9/11. Legal tender laws can't force another country to accept USD either, thanks again Saudi Arabia. The vast majority of Americans still don't realize that. They also think that their bank has a vault where they keep everyone's money.
As far as crypto goes, until you see prices quoted in crytpo, it's still a speculative purchase. There's nothing wrong with that, the danger is when people think crypto is equivalent to a physical asset, like gold. A paper wallet or a Trezor in your safe is not the same thing as a gold (or even a silver) coin. You might just as well be buying paper gold, i.e. if you can't hold it in your hand, you don't own it.
Not yet anyway... and neither is Gold and Silver Fiat for that matter.... and yes, they too are subject to unforeseen future government dictates.....
It's funny that they're arguing different points yet I agree with both of them.
Nice way to put it.
It's like arguing which is a better vacation: ski trip or beach getaway. They're both vacations.
They're both an exit to fiat currency.
I had similar thoughts when listening to this exchange between Max and Peter. I like silver and I think it is a good thing to have.
Most definitely! If the gold & silver derivative markets on the stock exchanges weren't fake, they would be getting a run that cryptocurrencies currently are.
They both have great points but I remember Schiff saying to get rid of bitcoin years ago if you listened to him than you would lose a ton of money
I have always been a BIG FAN of Max Keiser I just wish I would have stepped up to the plate sooner with Bitcoin. Yes I know everyone says the same thing. I think we are still in the Baby stages of the Cryptos and there is still lots more Fireworks to the UP Side. Sending Love to Stacy and Max !!!
I remember watching one of Max and Stacy's videos a few years ago about bitcoin. I totally agreed... but didn't learn how to buy or earn Bitcoin. Now I'm in on crypto-currencies. Took me a while. Wish I was in sooner, but I'm in now.
Seems like you and I were at about the same place. STEEM ON !
Peter is so closed-minded in terms of crypto... It will be hard nut to break.
Love max Keiser
This the same reason why most of the people I invite to join steemit keep skeptical. Base on my personal experience, I invited all my office mate which is 34 people to be exact. We have some debate where I explaine how it works and the role of the blockchain in their future. I also vissualize how currency will evolve and shift to crypto, and luckily only one among 34 open a mind and joined steemit with his very little understanding on cypto currecy. While all these 33 people stay and stuck behind the old system.
exx007, this is the exact same situation I was in when eth was under a dollar and I was talking to cryptopeople! It requires an open mind to be one of the firsts to truly listen and understand the possibilities of the new tech and for that reason only to join it.
Bitcoin price is going up and the gold is melting down easy as that cause gold was only safe heaven and now it's bitcoin!
Bottom line = "Hedge ALL bets, and DON"T put all your eggs in one basket... otherwise, you're leaving yourself open to the purest of destruction in every regard.... don't say I didn't tell ya so in advance......
Awesome post and video. Bitcoin is the new gold and the sooner you adapt, the more potential for profit.
All due respect - though I'm a firm believer in owning ample amounts of both bitcoin & precious metals - Peter definitely out weighed Max in this particular Mexican stand-off - HANDS DOWN...
Quality episode of the @keiserreport +1, resteemed ;-)
I love bitcoin
I like post you
Money bitcoin
LOL! Rich men arguing. If I had money I could take to Vegas and put in a slot machine, I would buy bitcoin with it instead. If I had a pocket full of cash that I did not need now but could not afford to lose, I would buy gold. I have neither, so I am a silver girl.
I love how Peter is saying merchants will be pricing their items in gold in future but can't see the same happening for bitcoin. What will the kids of today use? Why would they use gold when bitcoin does the same job better. But it's always good to hear the reasons from the "other side".
He's also saying people might not want bitcoin tomorrow, but if bitcoin is digital gold, why wouldn't they? It's very hard to move gold around and there's a lot of fees, also somebody could easily stop you. Either he's not seeing the full picture or he's just touting gold because it's his work and that brings food to his table. I'd say it's the latter.
I think this stems from the difficulty people have of measuring value without a yardstick, local currency is that yardstick. There will be a global currency and unless something monumental happens it will be Bitcoin but also there will be others as well. I think local currency will survive for some years as the yardstick of value but will decline slowly over the years, it is possible that one time in the distant future there will be only one dominant universal currency.
Makes sense. With the globalization it's only a matter of time.
Perhaps because its NOT digital GOLD - its just digits with a traceable ledger that governments, should they so decide/decree - can get their corrupt paws on in a few quick pieces of tyrannical legislation....
No, its better than digital Gold, governments have seized Gold before but unless you handover the private key they can't take your bitcoin.
I hear ya stimp, but if they really wanted to, you and I both now they could make it illegal to use - thus rendering it worthless... At least precious metals have intrinsic value beyond that which any government may render the underlying as non-legal tender... Best bet - have a good bit of both on hand and you'll be far better off than with just one or the other.... Just my opinion... :)
I am not knocking Gold, been valuable for donkeys years and will always have intrinsic value, so holding a bit of both is a wise call, eggs in one basket and all that :)
Posting into the hot category is amazing. Thank you friends steemit already sharing good bitcoin video

Hello :)
I followed peter for a long time... It is so strange that he doesn't open up to cryptos. It's interesting for sure.
Nice video 👍🏻
Schiff says that cryptocurrency are based on trust! And the gold is not based on trust too!? That's ironic, if we go deep in this matter, it's all based on trust. It can also happen no one wants to accept gold!
Max & Peter. Here we go!
When a person's livelihood is dependent on a certain condition, it is incredibly difficult for them to imagine they are wrong on an issue.
Try to convince a pension holder that they're funds aren't safe, a real estate agent that homes aren't a good investment, or a central banker that fiat money is no good. It's nearly impossible.
We're all generally more interested in convincing ourselves the truth of our own ideas rather than being open to new truths.
Nice article 👌🏻
Great little debate there Peter Schiff will miss the boat again just like he admitted in this video that yes he should have bought in when it was $5 then he could sell it now very soon Bitocin will hit $10 000 and he will say it again that he should have bought it when it was $3000 and again when it hits $100 000 lol he is such A tool
bitcoin vs gold debate? how is possible? there is no possible debate about it! 😄 , great video!
Good video! Thanks again Satoshi!