In the mid 60's 25 bucks would fill a grocery cart with food for five for a week. Two adults, three kids, one of whom was a fat fuck who sucked up food like a vacuum. ( That would be me. ) Gas was .25-.30 a gallon with full service. ( Look it up ) Day old stores abounded and you could get a whole bread rack of Hostess whatevers or Freihoffers by the square yard for a buck. Which helps explain my excessive excessiveness. Twinkies, fruit pies, Suzy q's. and all the rest of that evil stuff. Oh, yeah, Dunkin Donuts were .99 a dozen and tasted like a donut, not some sugar laden glop out of a WalMart soap dispenser. As a grade schooler, all I needed was a buck and a ride to the nearest Dunkin and I was good to go, and get fatter.
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Yes a much simpler time for sure Thank you for your support @kendall2