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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Short IHS Pattern Invalidate but Medium to Longer Terms Remain Unchanged

in #bitcoin7 years ago

it is difficult for bitcoin to be maintained and in these period where the cryptomoneda are receiving persecutions by governments, tax payment, binace, security, banks.
Every day a new cryptomoneda is born, investors come and go. other currencies that are growing and investors change for the bitcoin to rise to 15000 before July has to see balance and stop the chase and the morbid bitcoin


Oh, wait, what happened to Ripple? It was going to overtake BitCoin and it was $3.40. Now Ripple is $.64 and falling. So much for Japanese bankster coin. Bitcoin Cash was "the new Bitcoin" and now it is number 12 in market cap. Ether was $1300 and now it is just holding above $500 to stay out of trouble (I still have hope for Ether though). It is going to take an asteroid to extinguish the Bitcoin dinosaur.