G'day crypto Legends its Kingrobbo here, I just wanted to put out there for everyone 3 of my fav sites for viewing crypto markets. This is for people who are just finding their way in the space ahla-(Newbs) haha, or simply for people who find time the biggest obstical.
these are my go-to sites.
-Coin Market Cap- (coinmarketcap.com) Obviously in top 3 as its the most popular and simple to use.
-Coin Gecko-(coingecko.com) Love this site, my fav as it gives a review longer then 7 days, this is a massive plus for trading.
-Coin Check Up- (coincheckup.com) Good site with a bit more technical tools then Coin Maret Cap.
Use all of these sites when reviewing a crypto you a looking to invest in as miss information sometimes gets thrown around and could coz you big!
Good luck, go long
You wont go wrong!