Sorry for the delay my account was approved a few days after my post
The market correction was expected at about 17000, it went past it to about 19000 due to a lot of ethousiasm.
The correction wad expected to go down to about 12000 it went below 9000 due to a lot of FUD and trust issues on asiatic markets.
Plus a lot of explanations, like the january month is globally a bad month for investing as it is winter and people to be less proactive.
Pre chinese new year volatile asiatic markets are bearish and a lot of whale probably tricked us with the futures.
I'm a long time holder of bitcoin since 2012 and this time I even was about to sell yesterday, but I told myself, well Rockfeller said "buy when there is blood on the streets", I should try it, I mean I'm not loosing my mean of existence, even if this aventures ends bad it would have been fun, so I bought a little instead of sell.
This is when I noticed something intereting on the BTC/EUR chart. The first part of the chart is a typical bitcoin whale purchase, I haven't seen thoses in a wile, they are usually going up 10%, and then stay stable for a while before going up again. But this time one the bearish part of the chart, I read despair. I read people who did not sell and that take this 10% up as a last chance to not make too much of a loss. Of course the good move was to buy. I bought at 8300€ just at the beginning of the upward trend.
Hodl on guys as bitcoin as a lot of great things ahead.