Why EOS will reach the “moon’’ in the early summer

In June, ICO of the EOS Blockchain ends, which is the main contender for the title of "killer Ethereum". Token sale started in the summer of 2017, and during this time EOS has become one of the five largest cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization. On May 4, 2018, the token rate is $ 17.38, while trades on crypto-exchangers started at a rate of $ 1.03.
Throughout April, EOS showed good results for growth, though a little rolled back by the end of this week. This was due to the successful involvement of investors in the formation of EOS funds in order to expand the platform in the Asian region and in Europe.
Trust in cryptocurrency is reinforced by the fact that the project, unlike many others, really follows its Roadmap and in early summer of 2018 intends to abandon the ERC20 standard in favor of its own detachment.
Original news : https://medium.com/ico-crypto-news Original news , Read More : https://medium.com/ico-crypto-news

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