I second you brother but I feel inflation is being caused because of fiat currency. Price of Bitcoin in 2010 was nearly 1 USD and in nearly 8 years it reached peak of 20000 USD. so I think tax is good for investors trading in cryptocurrency because it has future however fiat currency is moving towards devalue which is not at all suitable for potential investors.
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Investors don't necessarily hold insane amounts of FIAT. They can buy into real estate instead of crypto for example.
Yes you are right, real estate is a good adoptable business but it varies from place to place. Posh area would have high prices whereas others would have low. Even it takes years to get the capital back. On the other side, Crypto market is volatile. It has huge risks but at the same time it had high gains too. All you need to do is to understand the UPs and DOWNs of Crypto market.