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RE: #56 - Bitcoin Cash - Newbie Makes $50,000 in two weeks - What's your story?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I personally find that more like gambling then a wise choice don't you think? Sure there was a bit of knowledge about how the cards would fell but not that much to be honest. Luckely things went well and congrats for your mate :) Hopefully he will be wise with his earnings :)


sure, it was very much like gambling. The guy is very intense, so get can get into things very quickly and come out with information and an analysis in a short space of time. It was a gamble and he would have been informed of the risks.

The way he and I see it, leaving money sitting in the bank is a sure way to lose money. Make money your slave and dont become a slave to money... the reality of the world today is that we have to learn to act faster.

I think he will take his money out of Bitcoin Cash and put it on a regular share. What would your advise be?