Bitcoin: A how- to guide for small business

in #bitcoin8 years ago

This book will be split into several sections. It will begin by taking you through the steps to accept bitcoin. How you can start doing that within minutes of reading this book. A Real Transaction Step-by-Step offers a pictorial demonstration of charging a customer in bitcoin and receiving the payment. The book will then progress through some ways that you will be able to use the bitcoin you receive in real life, how to make the checkout process in your establishment smooth, using your bitcoin online and some frequently asked questions. Quick Bitcoin Wallet Reviews will take a quick look at several options for bitcoin walls.
For the most part the services and processes that I will describe here are based on my personal experiences. Both on the side of receiving bitcoin, but also spending it (directly, and indirectly). For those in the United States, Canada and Europe ("big three areas") the process is exceedingly simply and there is really no excuse for your business not to be accepting bitcoin today.

For those outside those big three areas, I believe once you've read this guide, you'll see that the process is very simple, and that you can start participating in the bitcoin economy without any delay and help increase your sales and be a part of the future today."