In certain moments there are a lot of arbitrage opportunities for most coins.
After a big fall or after a spike you can find different price for the same coin
in different exchange (also 10-15%).
You can check the price on coinmarketcap , so if you find an arbitrage oppotunities
You can Buy at the exchange with the lowest price and sell it on the one with the highest price
If my post is helpful for you feel free to donate
BTC: 1FJs2PXa4CnNixG6iUrD4D8iH9xqGTVjq3
In addition to cross-exchange arbitrage, SBD presents frequent arbitrage opportunities (given that it often trades at a material discount to $1 on Bittrex and Poloniex).
My favorite way of trading is margin tbh.. Arbitrage just seems like extra work, when I could be leveraging 20x on BTC or 222x on fiats.. I'll look into it but I'll probably stick with my Whaleclub.
Nice matterial post for think about
You must write the welcome post
Nice post, I didn't know about this opportunity!
Hey, nice to meet you!
Free upvotes on my profile!
I wrote an article that explains a simple way to arbitrage across cryptocurrency exchanges, and the math involved. Important to know what you are getting into so that you will not be trading at a loss.