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RE: Bitcoin, Altcoins and TAXES!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I'm usually quite the positive guy, but this "tax tax tax" sacrifice you and others are preaching is quite ridiculous.
Especially the U.S. Government has done so many atrocities, that you should all day everyday try to hide your Coinworth and get cash or don't even leave the cryptosphere.
If you think it's cool to:

  1. Kill thousands of children in countrys you don't know (Afghanistan, Baltics, Irak, Syria, Lybia, Vietnam, Korea etc.)
  2. Get you and your family into bad economic situations although you work your ass off ( Bubble, 2008 Lehman, "Quantitive Easing" a.k.a Inflation like its the Weimarer Republik
  3. Force other people who don't want to live like you to go in jail although they don't hurt nobody and are doing it in consent (Smoking pot, polyarmory and whatever)
  4. Disgrace the people who went to jail for cryptography so the human race would be safe from the glutches of goverments around the globe.

Then YES please pay even more taxes. No better, please send ME 60% of your coins. At least I can spend it on something useful!