The Russian market Bitcoin sets new records

in #bitcoin9 years ago

As previously reported, in the last week of July the volume of Bitcoin-trading broke the historical record in Russia, reaching nearly 193.5 million rubles. But Russian traders have decided not to stop there, and as of August 6, the mark stood at the level of 201.1 million

Continued growth and another record-breaker, Venezuela. Here trading volume increased from 117.1 million bolivars to almost 142 million

It is worth paying attention to the sharp fall in Thailand, where over the past week the market fell almost three times, with 10.5 million. Baht as of July 30 to 3.9 million baht as of 6 August.

The global volume of transactions in the last week was $ 15.4 million.


Good, I'm hopping the BTC price will surpass 700$ before the end of the year.

Price will be about 900 soon end of the year
