I would certainly enjoy reading such an analysis. I chose not to make one myself, for a few reasons:
- Good chance of being attacked rather than rewarded, regardless of outcome.
- Nobody seems to care about the evidence or due process, but seems more interested in convicting people in the communist court of public opinion.
Maybe I can help out, if you want, message me on Discord.
I appreciate the offer. I haven't yet started out so I haven't estimated the amount of work involved and the (proportional) time period. I think I saw you made some notes about profitability previously and the main difference here is I want to benchmark against the broader market cap.
This is a very good point - ive seen constructive comments from both sides, but the masses are still committed to argue and flag on behalf of whoever they believe in, regardless of facts.
@lexiconical: can you explain why you seem to leave steemit? I would like to understand, so my question is plain and serious. Does this war has a significant impact on the whole community from your perspective? Sometimes I think that and then I don't. From what I understand it doesn't matter how the majority behaves but those who can cause great impacts through their wallets. ... When the big players drive it into the swamp: this is it?