It's tough to believe, but there are a lot of people here barely making enough to cover bills, or eating true garbage that will kill them 2-3 meals a day, like McDonald's, because of the 99 cent prices.
Right now, it certainly seems like every national government has more or less put aside their national differences (no hot wars, generally) so they can all maximally oppress and fuck all of us normies over within their own borders.
"What I see is debt, debt, debt and more fucking debt."
When the other, upcoming world "empires" finally turn off our credit card, we are completely fucked, as we've pussified our nation well past the point that we could sell open (nuclear) warfare for economic reasons. I'm not advocating for that, of course, but that is how most militarily superior but financially vulnerable nations would have handled this situation all throughout history.
All the headlines you see now about Venezuela, it will be the USA overnight. We'll be chasing wild cattle through abandoned malls to slaughter them for meat as soon as our idiot population gets hungry enough to figure they'll take a shot at actual food prep from live -> table.
I suspect it will be about 10 minutes before we starve, given how squeamish and unskilled most of us are.