Ironically, OMG never hit my limit-buy order. It must be holding up fairly well.
Neo I am more concerned about. All the recent news has been pretty bad for Neo. I think it's going to take some time for it to recover.
Ironically, OMG never hit my limit-buy order. It must be holding up fairly well.
Neo I am more concerned about. All the recent news has been pretty bad for Neo. I think it's going to take some time for it to recover.
Yea I am a NEO vulture waiting on the sidelines I bought in at 25/27 sold around 40 watch it sky rocket and now waiting for it to come back down.
I might dump my NEM for some NEO when this hits bottom.
NEM is one thing I never got into. Are there any good use cases? What are people doing with it? What's the point of it?
Forgive the basic questions. I can google this on my own.
I know it is the 2nd most popular crypto in Japan. It has support of the banking structure there I believe.
I had no idea. Thank you for giving me a starting point in my research!
NEO might be weak for a long time, in fact, it's very fundamental potential may be lessened if China choose to maintain this hard line.
Do you have an entry point in mind?