Imagine waking up tomorrow morning to the headline on the New York Slimes or your favorite Not FakeNews online finance magazine.
Trump Orders 4-Day Bank Holiday Puts Embargo on Bitcoin
That's right, US Government Nationalizes Bitcoin - All your coins are belong to us
Well it could happen. You could go to bed holding 100 Bitcoin in your wallet and the next morning find yourself spewing your coffee all over your ipad.
That's right! You see on April 5, 1933 President Franklin D Roosevelt penned an executive order that made it against the law to own gold.
FDR ran on bringing smaller government and reducing government spending but once he was in office he increased spending, he raised taxes and he added more government services. Sound familiar? President Trump has made the same promises and just last week he bonded with minority leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to extend the debt for another three months.
President Trump has even at this point advocated to resend Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution taking the control of the the country's spending limits away from congress. Oh yes.... let the real spending begin!
FDR's intention was to grow the economy. But he had to deal with existing law that prevented the gov't from just printing cash when ever it wanted to. So the next best thing.... confiscate everyone's gold. Yeah That's it! That's the ticket!
I published a post yesterday that dealt with a bill presented by Senator Chuck Grassely S.1241 that would allow local gov'ts to use civil asset forfeiture to not just confiscate your Crypto coins but everything you own. Also just two months ago Attorney General Jeff Session made plans to increase the Federal gov't reach by expanding civil asset forfeiture procedures used in the FAILED war on drugs.
Just keep in mind that gov'ts role today is not to protect the people but to preserve the government. It's not about you and it's not about me. It is about authority and central control.
Well Cryptocurrency is about as far away from central control as any technology that has come before it. Even access to the dark web with TOR has been circumvented by the US gov't that was exposed in an article published by Douglas Stewart on my wordpress blog back in 2011. So don't think for a moment when the gov't is backed into a corner it won't find a way to take your Bitcoins.
We have seen a lot of movement towards regulation in the last few months with governments taking a bigger and more aggressive role in Crypto regulation. China banned ICO's and some nefarious whales have started rumors of an outright ban of crypto in order to create a sell off thus profiting by their short positions. Or was it a rumor? You see, we just cannot be sure whats coming next and where it is coming from. You can only trust YOU.
I am just bringing you this information to inform you. It has happened in the past and it could happen again, tomorrow even. So keep your private keys safe for your wallets. Be careful and be very guarded of your crypto. It could be confiscated with a presidential pen-stroke and you could find yourself waking up one day a penniless fugitive.
Just my two Steems Worth.
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When FDR ordered the forfeiture of the citizenry's gold, was there any restitution for the gold, or was it just straight up theft?
You were able to keep a small amount or some rare coins and those that did give up their gold received about $20/oz. ~ Source
It absolutely could happen. I am amazed that there are people in this country who actually esteem FDR. It was criminal what the guy did.
Crfiminal? Why so nice? FDR was progressive as they come. I think criminals everywhere are insulted.
Thanks for the wonderful comment.
I'm still sticking with him. What he is right now is a one man show.
Both parties are sore a non-politician bet them to the highest office in the land and they are doig everything they can to wreck him.
Trump would never do this. He wants the Fed and the international bankers to take a bath. I believe he is trying to figure out a way to promote crypto's for the people without the bankers tanking the world economy. He is a very forward thinking guy. One thing you have to understand with Trump is his ego. Sure they all have ego's but politicians are go along and don't make any waves. Trump is not that way. He fully understands he has a chance at history. A once in a lifetime shot at doing things no other politician would dream of. Serve your time, take you money and all the people stuffing cash in your pocket while no one is looking. But Trump sees bigger things. He sees his name being talked about long after he is gone for what he did. There will be massive changes. He is just 8 months into his Presidency. It will get interesting.
Well as far as ego's go he deserves he one he has. HE is nobody's fool. Perhaps we need to make Trumpcoin move to the top ten. That would get his attention.
It will get interesting is true. It is already getting better.
I just hope he does the right thing. Things are definately goin to be interesting to say the least. I remember hearing or seeing something that he was goin to audit the fed but that was a while ago so it probably won't happen. Just like why isn't crooked Hillary in prison??? just makes you wonder what the hell is goin to happen.
All the politics are controlled by the multinationals and central banks and I don't think the centrals banks are to happy to lose the control
Absolutely. The banksters are the one calling the shots (by the way, Trump is a dont make billion in real estate without being in with them).
People need to get out of the right/left debate and realize the banksters own both sides. The politicians are just puppets with Wall Street as the puppet master.
It is really going to be interesting to see how XRP Ripple plays into this.
Anything can't control normally is banned , that breaks the NWO
Yep "It could happen!" but knowing Trump, he will probably jump on the crypto train as he is a business man first. He knows a good thing when he sees it.
I am hoping that is the light he sees. I voted for him and I have defended him since the inauguration.
Well, don't give up on him, he is smarter than people give him credit for. Of course he is but a low man on the totem poll but he is one of the few that has the nerve to stand up to the powers that be.
I will be there in 2020 for him. Rest assured.
Upvoting and Resteeming.. Great post!
Thank you
You are welcome!
There are many more people today that don't trust the government and rightly so. If FDR tried gold confiscation today it would be a different story. The government is capable of anything but I do believe they understand that with the internet there is a lot more information available to the general public. It wouldn't end well.
The government might not get away with it but the central banks would.
In fact, there is a good chance, other than the few tidbits individuals have, that most of the gold is hijacked already. The US gold supply hasnt been audited in over 60 years.
You are correct it would not end well. Just like 911. I think they would bring on an EMP if they thought it would give them the final solution to central power over the people. They have Faraday cages for whats important to them so their suffering would be minor.
ok if they ban it here in the US cant you still go around it by just using other exchanges that are not in the US?? that is very easy to do and wouldnt that just be a work around the gov??
Oh it is going to be terribly difficult for them to even attempt this. But attempt it they may. Problem is they can come at you with civil asset forfeiture without a trail NOW as it is and take everything you own. They feds then charge the property with the crime not you. Thus making it impossible to get your property back because property cannot hire a lawyer. No shit. That is how this civil asset forfeiture stuff works.
ok, im bad at explaining this to my uncle particularly, and he always says, "the government is going to take control over it" and i keep teling him that it is impossible and that about as far as i get cause he is not a tech guy and i am and i just know that it does that and i know why but i suck at explaining
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