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RE: Bitcoin: My Technical Analysis of BTC/USD

in #bitcoin • 8 years ago (edited)

i am..... lost. 😮
i am a total n00b in trading so the jargon of bear and bull just lost me.
But I also have a theory... there are a lot of rumours about BIP, and even a possible hardfork; so some people could be staying safe and dumping
So I still am uncertain how versitile it will keep fluctuating, but dropping to 1,000 could be a healthy change that could keep nay saying gov authority off its back.
What say you? BTC to either maybe pay their bills (i for one will definitely do that) or reinvested to other crypto currency for safe keeping or anonymous / less expensive / faster transaction, like Monero @dollarvigilante has been repeating (a little bit starting to sound like a broken recorder) to educate the public.


Bearish simply means negative/down and bullish means positive/up. :]

ah! I learn something new today!