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RE: Especially For My Pride Of Lions.. Bitcoin: Important Updates And A False Flag. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Greg, My thought as well. First thought was of the FED and their lackeys the spooks (who MADE the darn thing!) in a false flag "test" of a low-level nuisance - just enough fear porn to frighten the sheeple... The bitcoin ransom was the icing on the cake. (Gotta blame SOMEONE else, after all - like, the Russians did it of course. Just wait for the experts to line up on MSM and swear by it). Why a test? They've gotta stop the music one of these days and soon would be perfect leaving Trump holding the bag. And just like 9/11, it's the perfect excuse to declare a "War on Cyberterrorism" for more $$$ to DHS/CIA/FBI not to mention God knows how many "security" contractors. Overnight the Net goes on lockdown. All "fake news" gets criminalized, bitcoin is declared illegal and forfeit, and anyone "Not for us is against US!" The rubber is hittin' the road soon. May be hunkerin' down time before we know it. I'm writing a series on prepping and I hope I get the time to finish it before Steemers have to need it!