We also have a fantastic Chat community with Hexabot!
Please read the Hexabot News section and FAQ, this is where most of your questions will be answered
If you don't find answers to your questions there, you might find the answer to your question in our UNOFFICIAL community maintained FAQ + Best Of channel [write ability is limited there]:
If you'd like to invite someone to this new user channel the link is: https://t.me/joinchat/Hb6kPEakB2MjJNQStZj6-Q
When you're ready to hang out at the "19th Hole" for Hexabot's UNOFFICIAL Community Supergroup, you can join us at:
We also have some free resources to help you out here: https://hexabotreview.com/?r=jolt/resources
Community rules are found in the "19th hole" channel. Users are expected to know and abide with community rules in order to defeat the forces of chaos and to stop the Evil Empire.