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RE: Japan's Largest Bitcoin Exchange Launches In Europe

in #bitcoin7 years ago

It's great to see exchanges of this size moving to the European market. I looked in to the exchange and they look excellent, with seemingly less processing issues than some that are currently widely used in Europe.

I think that big exchanges like this moving across continents will be overall extremely positive for the cryptocurrency markets, it's exciting to say the least!

Thanks for this update, these articles are really useful!


Yes bro what you said is really correct..if this big tradings will be continue in europ for few days ..the prices will be hiked and all we are get profits..

I'm thinking big picture - not just a few days, but an exchange like this gaining volume over 2018 as a whole would be the best situation in my opinion - I'm in it for the long haul!

I dont know even if europeans are using european exchanges. The likes of binance, bitfi, bittrex etc are the preferred ones to trade on.

It depends on where you're from but you're right by and large. I see this changing though with a bit exchange like this moving in.

yes, although it will need a lot of time to add support for more cryptos. But this is a long-term game and they are positioning themselves very good for the future

Yes, agreed! Thanks for the comments :)

I agree @lukebrn.

The expansion of these exchanges is only a positive for the entire sector.

Europe is a big market that needs to accessing. This is just the start of something big.

Cheers for the comment! Agreed, being from Europe, I know I will give this a try anyway. Might do a post on it!

Yeah European market is on its right track.