Around July 11th, 2016, I put in 9 BTC into STEEM ($2.78 per STEEM at the time) when BTC was $664 each.
It was around $5,976 in investment. Roughly 2,149 STEEM. Today’s value: $469.27 + $913.11 (HIVE) = $1,382.38.
Bitcoin value today of 9 BTC? $274,563
Enjoy Hive, for sure. Also, own some BTC.
I've bought $STEEM/$HIVE with fiat and with other crypto from airdrops. I've seen all the ups and downs over the years, but I'm still up on what I paid in.
I just saw this from @taskmaster4450 with his thoughts on maximalism. I do wonder if BTC is the VHS or Yahoo or crypto and maybe people will move on, but there are a lot of vested interests who want to keep it high. We shall see.
@taskmaster4450 is quite the cheerleader. The truth is Steem and Hive would not have existed without BTC. BTC was the "Big Bang" which started the "Cryptoverse". I certainly like Hive more, but BTC is special
As I implied Bitcoin is special in similar ways to VHS, but who uses that now? Technology marches on and things can get left behind.
That interpretation couldn't be further from what I meant.
I wasn't thinking of Bitcoin's technology at all when saying that. The technology is secondary, it's the best Satoshi could come up with at that time to solve a fundamental problem.
Regardless of the quality of its technology, bitcoin is special because it remains, to this date the only successful solution to a fundamental problem of humankind.
Do other, more modern cryptos, have better technology? Of course! But they do not solve the same problem. They do not need to anymore. They build on the success of Bitcoin to tackle lesser problems. VHS wasn't proposing a solution to a fundamental problem of humankind.
Could the problem Bitcoin solves receive a better, more advanced solution? Perhaps, and maybe it will. But for the time being, and I'd dare say for the foreseeable future, none is proven like Bitcoin. Thanks to Bitcoin, all the other cryptos are (at best, when not scams) simply dabbling in matters as important to the fate and future of humankind as "home video" (id est not very important)
Sounds like a discussion for a whole new post. I think Bitcoin was something whose time had come and maybe someone else would have come up with something similar, but 'Satoshi' gave it away rather than trying to build a business around it. Maybe we will find out who he really is eventually. He has chose not to sell his stake so far. Crypto is certainly disruptive and has upset a lot of people who liked the old ways. I like that Hive is empowering people who could not afford to buy into crypto otherwise.