Understanding Bitcoin OGs

in #bitcoin3 months ago

OG bitcoiners (10+ years) are often misunderstood.

Many of us got into this for ideological reasons (“Let’s flip some money-changer tables like Jesus!”, “Fix the money, fix the world.”, “Bitcoin, not bombs.”). There were a few visionaries talking about $100,000+ bitcoin, and sure that was interesting, but mostly it was interesting because it would mean this little white paper we read and our little rag-tag group of like-minded friends would have been right and this obscure (at the time) tech had come to dominate the financial world. It would mean we won.

It would also mean anyone we knew who isn’t onboard will be left out of the future and won’t participate in the bulk of the largest wealth transfer the world has ever seen. So we got vocal and begged our family and friends to get some BTC and learn about it. We wrote blog posts, created videos, spoke at conferences. It wasn’t a ploy to pump our bags. It was a pleading to be part of an abundant, non-violent future.

Most didn’t listen. Many sold at a loss the first time (of many to come) it crashed.

But some… some listened. And learned. And quietly stacked some SATs. Some held. Occasionally they let us know (like this DM I read this morning).

In that moment, we feel understood.


Glad you changed some lives.