Blockchain technology, the tech behind cryptocurrencies, will disrupt many industries. Any industry that handles data or finances of any kind and requires a middle man is at risk of being replaced by the blockchain.
In this video, we'll look at 19 industries that will be disrupted by blockchain technology.
19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt
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Very interesting video @luzcypher . I have no doubt that all of the industries will be disrupted by BC. Back in 1996 I approached the banks about needing to take credit card payments over the Internet for my new high tech music company. Their response, "what is the Internet?" That technology was MONUMENTAL and disruptive but look how long it took for these industries to allow themselves to be disrupted. BC is big but how much resistance will there be and who will be the resistors?
For my short time exposed to BC tech i have thought of the effect it will have on industries I am in- education and the arts. I know there will be change and welcome it. I wish i could predict :)
Thanks for sharing
If we could predict the future we'de all be millionaires.
You can say that again :) Great post. Excellent food for thought.
thank you for sharing..the video help a lot for me to understand blockchain. I have a question about blockchain in my post here and nobody reply..
Thank you for sharing. This video is very informative and easy to understand for anyone.
Nice post, thanks....
Nothing disrupt nothing its only yo who can be a disruptor in the path of your success, BTW great and informational POST...
This is officially my favorite blockchain video! Well done! I'm a fan of Unconditional Basic Income and had never heard of GovCoin! Thanks for the share!
good post friends and thank you for sharing
YEAHHH!!!! #1 BANKS!!!! Down with BANKSTERS!!!
This is a great post to resteem. Thank you for sharing this video. It's one I may need to watch a few times and marinate on.
Great video,thanks for sharing
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upvoted,reply,follow and resteem when you work in steemit thanks alot,
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Wow,I see how little I knew about the possibilities for blockchain !
Thanks for the cool informative video!