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RE: BitMEX dumped their BCH and credited all users!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Re: "I don't understand the concept of favoring owners of BTC..."

I'm trying to understand that point of view. You seem to take it as a foregone conclusion that B-Core is the true Bitcoin. Yes, that idea has been heavily promoted and the counterpoint position deliberately (and unscrupulously) suppressed. But the facts of the matter beg to differ. Perhaps you don't agree BlockStream et all have been trying to destroy BTC? And that the BCH fork is an attempt to save it?

And it is the EXCHANGES that are practicing fractional reserve crypto by not purchasing all the tokens they sell. They are just data entries on the exchange. Capiche.


I neither agree or disagree, I'm playing devils advocate to you comments. Do you have any evidence to your comments?
re: " Perhaps you don't agree BlockStream et all have been trying to destroy BTC? And that the BCH fork is an attempt to save it?"

yes I have heard this and its good to have conspiracy theories. Jeff Berwick is convinced that Blockstream is run by the banking cartel etc..reason for this? it's because, impplementing segwit is a stpe closer for lightening network, wich can create a hub and spoke network, and may cause centralisation, but there really isn't any hard evidence to any conspriracy theories that banking orgniasations or the illuminati thought about that long ago in an attempt to centralise, to me thats all they are conspiracy thoeries . To counter this, increasing block size that bch has done also can more easily lead to centralisation by reducing POW rewards and just favour powerful nodes. Question for you, where is the segwit adoption? and who usues it, once you answer that to yourself then ask how far and how well the BTC destruction is going. Also ask yourself if BTC is destroying itself with or with out segwit. Anyway, thats my two cents, like i said it is healthy to have a conspitacy theory. You stand on the fence and do not support either, but less likey support the increase in blocksize purely based on that its not innovative..