unlawful Cryptocurrency Use Targeted in Proposed 2018 FBI Budget

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The FBI is asking for $21m and 80 new representatives in an offered to research rising tech that could enable the office to battle cybercrime.

In a spending demand for monetary year 2018, sent on 21st June, Andrew McCabe, acting chief of the FBI, vouched for the White House that the office is confronting what it accepts are noteworthy difficulties in accessing computerized data – notwithstanding when it has the lawful specialist to do as such. This strikingly incorporates cases that include "tranquilize traffickers utilizing virtual monetary forms to darken their exchanges".

It is additionally a similar account that the FBI's previous Director James Comey set forth a month ago before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

the organization has stated, is that the FBI now requires more budgetary assets to explore advances and decode data transmitted on the darknet. Somewhere else, it is additionally captivating in discoursed with organizations that give such innovation to teach them on the "destructive impacts" that data unavailability has on "open wellbeing and the manage of law".


Not sure what that all means but as the current situation stands, nobody can possibly deny that undocumented transactions are taking place in teh bitcoin exchanges and many of those transactions are being done to cover illegal activities. The bitcoin advocates would say >>> "I don't care! I doubled my money laast week so I don't want this regulated by govmint!" Those who are waiting to decide whether or not they want to join the .0001% of the world's population as actual owners of bitcoin are thinking >>> "people getting money lost, stolen, and "manipulated"...I'll wait until a few more people get took. Then I'll think about whether or not I want in but yes!...regulate this shit!" :-)

Washington authorities have commenced creating new rules that involve Bitcoin transactions. Specifically, businesses that are operating in digital currency services sector, will need to follow the new framework.

I agree with that. If nothing else the merchants handling sales orders can make their own decisions as to whetehr or not they want to continue to honor bitcoin. So no need for "regulation" there. But it isn't fair for the Silly Conn Valley, Cali types advocating bitcoin to "suggest" that the 1%ers aren't paying their fair share of making America great under the current system...and then in the same breath say that they shouldn't be taxed at the going capital gains rate for any transactions that result in a capital gain in the crypto world. The current "1%" pays their fair share of capital gains tax on anything they sell. So should bitcoin traders. ..."if" it's going to be a currency assets are priced in going forward.