By loaning your Bitcoin (BTC) to a company that does trading for you. You can start evening from 1% to 1.5% a day from your BTC.
This means if you invest $/€/£ 5000 you’ll make every month $/€/£ 2100
With is $/€/£ 70 a day.
Minimum deposit is $10
I know this seems crazy, I’m not going to explain here how this is possible, but just consider that Bitcoin moves every day from 2% to 20% or more. This trading company guarantees you up to 1.5%. But do your own research.
I’d like to stress that this is not a business advice. Do your own research. Invest only what you are willing to lose. This is a highly risky investment.
Do it at your own risk.
I’m sharing my personal experience and a step-by-step guide on how I’ve done it.
On this guide you'll learn how to:
- Manage Security
- Open a Bitcoin Wallet
- Buy Bitcoins
- Loan Bitcoin (earning from your investment)
- Turn Bitcoin into Money ($ £ € ...)
Most of the links I’ll be sharing on this page are referrals.
This means, by using them we both will get some rewards.
This can be in form of a discount or bonus for you and some sort of bonus for me. If you find this guide useful I’ll be grateful if you use my referral for opening your accounts.
1- Security is really important. Don’t underestimate the importance in protecting your accounts.
For my protection, I use software that manages my passwords. They generate super long passwords that will take 100s years to crack.
My favourite app which is free and works on any computer and mobile device is LAST PASS ( )
Read the FAQ to understand how your wallet works.
Make sure you have made a backup of your wallet.
This is your personal bank. You manage your own security. You are the only one that has access to it. This website won't be able to help you if you lose your login details.2- Open you Bitcoin Wallet. This is like opening a bank account but you own the bank. There are lots of different Bitcoin wallet out there. My favourite is
3- Now it’s time to buy some Bitcoin (BTC) or a fraction of it. You don’t need to buy a whole Bitcoin. You can have any amount in BTC even just $0.01.
Probably the easiest way is to buy on new wallet app (
For larger amount like $5,000 or more, I would go to an exchanger. I personally wouldn't start investing with more than $5000 until I gain experience with the system.
There are lots of others website where you can buy BTC but this is little tricky as depending on where you are in the world things might be little different and price and fees can vary a bit. Here in the UK I usually buy from Localbitcoins
4- Now is time loan your bitcoin and start earning your Universal Income!
Now that you have a wallet and bought your Bitcoin you can open an account with Control Finance, a UK based company that will trade your BTC and give you a daily percentage (1/1.5%)
Go to Open an account and be sure you use “ danzeufo “ as your partner. If the area is greyed out and you can’t write danzeufo in it, it means you will be automatically recognised as my partner.
Now that you have opened an account, make a deposit.
Follow the instruction then you’ll be prompt with a Bitcoin address on where to make the Deposit.
Go back to your personal Bitcoin wallet, If your bitcoin are there or on Local Bitcoins if you purchased from them.
Transfer your Bitcoin to your account on Control Finance bitcoin address.
Congratulation! Now you’ll start earning every day.
Your daily earning can be reinvested. The best way to do so is to withdraw your BTC on your BTC wallet ( then make a new deposit. This will give you an extra 5% as Control Finance gives 5% on any deposit maked.
5- Last step is to turn Bitcoin into money so you can spend them anywhere.
The process is basically to sell the Bitcoin back. But I’m like the easy way, therefore, I have a VISA card that can be loaded with Bitcoin.
There are a few company that does this but the one I use is WIREX
Open an account with them, purchase a card (cards can be virtual or real plastic card like the one you got from your bank)
You now can transfer your earning from Control Finance into Wirex and withdraw the cash or use the card from any shop.
Hope you have found this guide helpful. Feel free to share this page with your friends.
Manolo (danzeufo)